Merging multiple ASP.NET solutions? (project structure question)

Merging multiple ASP.NET solutions? (project structure question)

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sune42 posted on Monday, October 29, 2007

For my upcoming CSLA project we will have a few freelancers who will be responsible for various separate "modules/parts" of a larger ASP.NET project. To not give out all the sourcecode to everyone (being paranoid about security here), my idea was to create smaller ASP.NET website solutions that later at build time is "merged" together into one big one.

Have anyone tried this before? Or some other "solution" how to partion a ASP.NET project into separate modules to not give 100% of the code away?

Sure, there will be some stuff that will be common for all modules , like master pages/controls and common modules/assemblies. Somehow these has to be incorporated into each sub-modules.

Or is this just a new way to shoot me in the foot twice?




webjedi replied on Monday, October 29, 2007

I think that if your concern is primarily security then the best approach is to have a roll-up (for lack of a better term) person who will be responsible for code auditing.  Just like any application never trust user input, in this case never trust 3rd party their code thorougly. 

Now if your concern is from an IP standpoint that opens up other challenges.  To which I'd say your best defense is a strong NDA.

I must say my gut is you are asking for a headache if each team doesn't at least have an idea about what the other team is working towards.  Communication will be your friend here.


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