I am having problems with a textbox in a detailsview, this textbox is bound to a property based on a nullable integer.
But when the textbox dets displayed and should be displaying no data, an empty string, it displays a zero.
I just don't get it, There is no reason for a zero to be displayed, the value in the database is Null upon reading (i have added a method to read the null value in the safedatareader).
The property get method returns an "" when it has no value.
But still i get this 0 on my textbox. When i place the row in editmode the zero is still there. And when I update the zero finds it's way to the database. When I empty the textbox and click update a null finds it's way back to the database. I don't know where to look, i just can't get the zeroes to disappear, i was already thinking of binding the datasource myself.
You can see the datareader methods i use.
Function GetInt32Nullable(ByVal i As Integer) As Nullable(Of Integer) If mDataReader.IsDBNull(i) Then Return Nothing Else Return mDataReader.GetInt32(i) End If End FunctionPublic Function GetInt32Nullable(ByVal name As String) As Nullable(Of Integer) Dim index As Integer = Me.GetOrdinal(name) Return Me.GetInt32(index) End Function
Thank's for the advice
How is your public property declared? If it is declared as a numeric type, data binding is probaby putting the 0 in there because that is the default numeric value.
You might need to expose the property as type string so data binding understands that "" is a valid value?
If you were in WinForms or Wpf there are formatting/conversion events you can handle to fix this at the UI layer (leaving the object's property as a numeric type). I'm not sure if there's any counterpart in Web Forms - perhaps a more web-savvy person knows?
What is code for your property like? Is the property a String?
And are you using an MS standard textbox control? It's not a 3rd party control is it?
I have used integer for the 'Get part' too, but it was also a problem, as for the s'Set part' i know i have left some code out, but when opening a record containing a Null value (for this property) in SQL SERVER 2005, a zero gets displayed. In the cod below i use String.Empty, but i also tried "". It makes no difference.
The textbox is MS, I even removed the validator, but to no avail.
dim mFunctioneleTaalvaardigheid as Nullable (of Integer)
Property FunctioneleTaalvaardigheid() As String<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)> _
True) If mFunctioneleTaalvaardigheid.HasValue Then Return mFunctioneleTaalvaardigheid.ToString Else Return String.Empty End If End Get<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImpl(Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)> _
Set(ByVal value As String)CanWriteProperty(
True)mFunctioneleTaalvaardigheid = Cint(value)
PropertyHasChanged() End Set End PropertyActually I don't really know what you want, but I added some code, and some markup. The real detailsview has more fields, and the object as well. But i'have added the field that is zero, when it should be blank.
I hope you see more than I can. Thank's for your time.
Sub LeerlingASPVDataSource_SelectObject( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Csla.Web.SelectObjectArgs) _ Handles LeerlingASPVDataSource.SelectObjectSession(
"currentObject") = Nothing If Csla.ApplicationContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Thene.BusinessObject = GetLeerlingASPVRapporten(
"currentObject") = e.BusinessObject End If End Sub Private Function GetLeerlingASPVRapporten(ByVal leerlingid As Integer) As Rapporten.LeerlingASPVRapporten Dim businessObject As Object = Session("currentObject") If businessObject Is Nothing OrElse _ Not TypeOf businessObject Is Rapporten.LeerlingASPVRapporten ThenbusinessObject = Rapporten.LeerlingASPVRapporten.GetLeerlingASPVRapporten(leerlingid)
Session("currentObject") = businessObject End If Return CType(businessObject, Rapporten.LeerlingASPVRapporten) End Function
csla:CslaDataSource ID="LeerlingASPVDataSource" runat="server" TypeName="Rapporten.LeerlingASPVRapporten" TypeAssemblyName="Rapporten"> </csla:CslaDataSource> <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataSourceID="LeerlingASPVDataSource" DataKeyNames="Id" Height="50px" Width="125px" AllowPaging="True" EmptyDataText="Nvt"> <Fields> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Functionele taalvaardigheid" SortExpression="FunctioneleTaalvaardigheid" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="False"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" Type="Integer" ControlToValidate="TextBox2" MaximumValue="10" MinimumValue="0" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Moet tussen 0 en 10 zijn"></asp:RangeValidator> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("FunctioneleTaalvaardigheid") %>'></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("FunctioneleTaalvaardigheid") %>' ></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField></
Fields> </asp:DetailsView>
Problem is out of the way now, forgot to change something in the datareader.
Thank's for the attention.
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