CSLA Design with Data access layer using DTO and Lazy loadCSLA Design with Data access layer using DTO and Lazy load
Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3853.aspx
Maqster posted on Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Hi, I'm trying to design a new CSLA project solution.
My wish is to establish a 'Proof of Concept' using CSLA with DAL and LazyLoad.
Now I'm wondering if I'm on the right track, with the following code, I have just taken out the parts of interest.
Root object:
private ChildList_children;
public ChildList ChildList
// Lazy load
if (_children== null)
_children= ChildList.GetList(_id);
return _children;
private void DataPortal_Fetch(Criteria criteria)
DataFactory df = new DataFactory();
RootDto data;
using (RootData rd = df.GetRootDataObject())
data = rd.LoadRoot(criteria.Id);
if (data != null)
_id = data.Id;
_name = data.Name;
_childList = null;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message);
ChildList object:
internal static ChildList GetList(
int parentId)
return new ChildList(parentId);
private ChildList(int parentId)
private void Fetch(int parentId)
RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
DataFactory df = new DataFactory();
List<ChildDto> dataList;
using (RootData rd = df.GetRootDataObject())
dataList = rd.GetChildList(parentId);
foreach(ChildDto dto in dataList)
RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
DAL RootData:
public RootDto LoadRoot(int id)
RootDto rootDto = null;
using (SafeDataReader data = new SafeDataReader(Sprocs.Instance.spRootGetById(id)))
rootDto = new RootDto();
rootDto.Id = data.GetInt32("Id");
rootDto.Name = data.GetString("Name");
return companyDto;
public List<ChildDto> GetChildList(int parentId)
List<ChildDto> dtoList = new List<ChildDto>();
ChildDto dto;
using (SafeDataReader data = new SafeDataReader (Sprocs.Instance.spChildGetListByParentId(parentId)))
while (data.Read())
dto = new ChildDto();
dto.ParentId = data.GetInt32("ParentId");
dto.ChildId = data.GetInt32("ChildId");
dto.ChildName = data.GetString("ChildName");
return dtoList;
Thankful for any comment
Best regards
McManus replied on Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Hi Maqster,
IMHO I think there's a flaw in the design, being that in the Factory method of the child list you don't use the DataPortal. Instead of returning new ChildList(parentId), you should return DataPortal.Fetch<ChildList>(new Criteria(parentId)).
In the ChildList class you must define a Criteria class and a DataPortal_Fetch(Criteria criteria) method.
Maqster replied on Monday, November 12, 2007
Hi Herman and thanks for the tip, now I know how to handle this.
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