Ok so I'm starting a large project...currently I'm using CSLA 3.0.2 and VS2005. With VS 2008 right around the corner and then CSLA 3.5 sometime shortly after that, is there a compelling reason to hold off a bit before moving forward (presently I'm doing object design, data design and tinkering with the MembershipProvider).
Like is the transition of vs2005 CSLA 3.0.2 to VS2008 and CSLA 3.5 going to be as big as I imagine them to be? Or will the real pain come when the new ADO.NET comes out in Feb or so?
Going to VS 2008 isn't that big of a change. I've been using the beta for about 3 months now, and outside some expected bugs(beta), it has been nice to work with. It has a lot of nice features including targeting which version of .net, so you can upgrade to vs 2008 and keep your projects in .Net 2.0 if you wish.
If you are moving to WPF, while it is very capable, expect a huge learning curve. I'd suggest anyone to grab some books and take a class. It is an entirely different paradigm then forms and the gui tools are still in their infancy. It also isn't the death of forms. Forms still exists and Microsoft expects to continue to upgrade it.
I haven't heard about a new ADO.NET. I was under the impression the .Net 3.5 would be released with VS 2008 at the end of November.
A couple of other things...
For my project, going to WPF required only a few minor changes to my CSLA business objects, so that's always good.
Also, as you are starting a new project, I'd recomend using .Net 3.5 and look into Linq. It's a real nice addition to the framework, even if you are not going to use it for database access, it helps with any grouping, sorting, or filtering of collections.
Thankfully and unfortunately WPF isn't on my radar for this project....yet.
I've tinkered with VS2008 and am excited for things like anonymous type and extension methods....how awesome will it be when I can do somestring.IsEmail() makes validation sweet.
I'm holding off on VS2008 (outside of a virtual machine anyway)...until release...hate the idea of uninstalling VS yech. So I'm just doing the membership provider now...it's not very deep and doesn't require a lot of Csla so hopefully I will be able to quickly move to .Net 3.5 and retarget the application easily.
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