Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/3928.aspx
dantes1 posted on Thursday, November 22, 2007
hi! i have this EditableRootlistBase and its Child, im a bit confused coz when i try to call the factory method in the Child:
Public Shared Function GetEditableRoot(ByVal id As Integer) As EditableRoot
If Not CanGetObject() Then
Throw New System.Security.SecurityException("User not authorized to view")
End If
Return DataPortal.Fetch(Of Job)(New Criteria(id))
End Function
it seems that its calling the this Method from the dataportal:
Private Sub New()
End Sub
should'nt it be calling the method below???
Private Overloads Sub DataPortal_Fetch(ByVal criteria As Criteria)
jhw replied on Thursday, November 22, 2007
As I understand it:
It always calls New() to instantiate the object in the dataportal, before it calls DataPortal_Fetch. Once the object has been instantiated, then it calls dataPorta_Fetch
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