BusinessListBase - Accessing Item

BusinessListBase - Accessing Item

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HarryU posted on Wednesday, December 12, 2007



I have a class that inherits BusinessListBase and I have sucessfully bound that to a list on a form.  What I am trying to do is double click an item on a list, open a new form and bind all textboxes to that item from the list, when I close the form update the list.

What is the best way to achieve this, I am just learning CSLA so please bear with me. 



KKoteles replied on Friday, December 21, 2007


I hate to say it, but take a look at Rocky's ProjectTracker application.  He actually covers double-clicking a list bound to a BusinessListBase (ProjectResources) object as well as a list bound to a ReadOnlyListBase object.  In the C# book start reading at page 494 to 497 to see how to handle what to do in the double-click event (in the book's case the OK button) of the list form.  Pages 497 to 505 cover the "Edit" form which in your case covers the new form opening and binding the textboxes to the single selected object.

It is hard to explain it any better than Rocky.


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