Key Value list with "<New>" item

Key Value list with "<New>" item

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JimBalo posted on Monday, December 17, 2007


I often come across a need for displaying a list of BOs in a combobox or similar but with the need to also have an item in the list for "<New>" or similar, to let the user choose to create a new entity instead of selecting an existing one from the list.  

I can think of several ways to accomplish this, but none of them are very appealing (like for example to add a dummy BO to the list of BOs just for this purpose).  Of course, I can always simply put a "New" button or similar next to the combobox, but is this the only non-kludgy approach to this?

Suggestions / ideas?









tetranz replied on Monday, December 17, 2007

Hi Jim

My solution to the "extra pseudo items at the top of a list" problem is something I call HeadedBindingList. I gave some sample code in an attachment here.

I still use that same code a lot to add typical things like "Choose an Item", "None", "All" etc.


JimBalo replied on Monday, December 17, 2007

Thanks, Ross!  That seems to be exactly what I was looking for.



KKoteles replied on Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Here is another example you might find useful:

One of the replies to this article suggests yet another means (under Another way...):

If you are using a DataTable as a source to your combo then you could always just add a new row before you attach it.


DataTable tblCategory = CategoryDS.Tables["Category"];
DataRow NewRow = tblCategory.NewRow();
NewRow[0] = "-- Click to select --";

cboCategory.DataSource = tblCategory;
cboCategory.DisplayMember = "CategoryID";
cboCategory.ValueMember = "Category";
cboCategory.SelectedIndex = 0;

I've used a version of this technique before within the Get() / Fetch() method of my ReadOnlyListBase object by just "pre-loading" the entry I wanted before loading normally through the .Read() of the SafeDataReader.


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