Object model suggestion

Object model suggestion

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/4080.aspx

JeffS posted on Friday, December 21, 2007

I hoping someone could suggest a framework or object model that would best fit my situation.  


We have a process for collecting network traffic from different sources.  Each type of traffic has its own data shape (number of fields and data type).  The customer would like to be able search the data to create a report that shows the activity on the network (based on their criteria).  One search result could display multiple types of traffic that will be displayed in different grids (due to the different fields that apply to the message type). 


Currently all query parameters are sent to a web service and returns a data set with each message type as a separate data table ( we control the web service so it could return anything we need).  A result set is likely to include multiple message types that represents different types of activities accruing at the same time (or range of time) and location. 

The user would also like to save profiles allow them to customize what fields are displayed, column order, and formatting for each message type. 


Thank you,



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