Email subscription isn't working any more

Email subscription isn't working any more

Old forum URL:

stefan posted on Monday, June 19, 2006


for archiving purposes, I had activated the email-subscription for 'general discussion' and
it all worked fine.
Now the last email I received dates from 14-06-2006, no more emails received since that date.
The subscription is still active in my profile settings.

Is there anything I can do, or is it an issue with the forum/Rocky's mail provider?


Q Johnson replied on Monday, June 19, 2006

I see the same thing except that I received ONE on 6/15.  It seemed to die a slow death as I received very few on the last day or two on which it was still working and they were VERY late in arriving.  For example, I responded to a post as soon as it arrived and when I viewed it on line shortly thereafter, I discovered I was giving the same advice that had already been offered on two of the three posts that got in before mine.  And the original post was from the day before!

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, June 19, 2006

I am working with the CS dev guys on this. There are apparently some dependancy issues that can cause the mail gateway to fail when the system boots. Magenic reboots their servers every night and so every now and then we get bit by this failure due to random timing on how the services start up.

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