This issue is addressed at least to:
PTWin\RolesEdis.cs, up to rev.1900 (current)
PTWin\WinPart.cs, up to rev.1697 (current)
.Net 2.0
Let's view the code from ProjectEdit.cs (rev.1900):
private void RebindUI(bool saveObject, bool rebind)
// disable events
this.projectBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
this.resourcesBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
// unbind the UI
UnbindBindingSource(this.resourcesBindingSource, saveObject, false);
UnbindBindingSource(this.projectBindingSource, saveObject, true);
this.resourcesBindingSource.DataSource = this.projectBindingSource;
// save or cancel changes
if (saveObject)
_project = _project.Save();
catch (Csla.DataPortalException ex)
"Error saving", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
catch (Exception ex)
"Error Saving", MessageBoxButtons.OK,
// rebind UI if requested
if (rebind)
// restore events
this.projectBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
this.resourcesBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
if (rebind)
// refresh the UI if rebinding
There is one trouble with this code.
Suppose a user changes a _project object with UI and clicks the Save button.
What happens if the .Save() method will throw an exception?
After an exception messagebox will be closed a user will not be able to undo changes
because before call to .Save() we've called the .ApplyEdit() method on our object.
So these two calls - .ApplyEdit() and .Save() - should be done as one transaction.
If .Save() throws an exception then the object should revert to its undoable state
as if .ApplyEdit() was not called also.
The one solution can be an implementation of .ApplyAndSave() method.
Rocky can do it for all of us if he will find it usefull.
The my solution is to clone an object, apply changes on it and try to save it:
Project temp = _project.Clone();
_project = temp.Save(); // .Save() throws an exception on errors
See the full code below.
One another trouble in ProjectEdit.cs is in OKButton_Click() event handler:
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (StatusBusy busy = new StatusBusy("Saving..."))
RebindUI(true, false);
If the .Save() method will throw an exception in RebindUI() then the ProjectEdit
control will be closed immediately after closing an exception messagebox. And a user
will not be able to undo changes again.
The solution is to catch all exception inside the RebindUI() method and then return
boolean true if saving was successful or false otherwise.
For the Close button it isn't significant but I wrote this line of code also ;)
So here are changes in ProjectEdit.cs:
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (StatusBusy busy = new StatusBusy("Saving..."))
if ( RebindUI( true, false ) )
private void ApplyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (StatusBusy busy = new StatusBusy("Saving..."))
RebindUI(true, true);
private void Cancel_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RebindUI(false, true);
private void CloseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ( RebindUI( false, false ) )
// RebindUI() returns true if the requested operation (saving or canceling
// an object) was completed successfully. And false if any exceptions
// were thrown.
private bool RebindUI( bool saveObject, bool rebind )
bool operationCompleted = false;
// disable events
this.projectBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
this.resourcesBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
// save or cancel changes
string exceptionMsgTitle = saveObject ? "Error saving":"Error canceling";
// commit edits in memory
FlushBindingSource( this.resourcesBindingSource, saveObject );
FlushBindingSource( this.projectBindingSource, saveObject );
if ( saveObject )
Project temp = _project.Clone();
_project = temp.Save(); // .Save() throws an exception on errors
operationCompleted = true;
_project.CancelEdit(); // can it throw an exception?
// maybe a "not enough memory" one only.
// (look into UndoableBase.UndoChanges())
operationCompleted = true;
catch ( Csla.DataPortalException ex )
MessageBox.Show( ex.BusinessException.ToString(),
exceptionMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation );
catch ( Exception ex )
MessageBox.Show( ex.ToString(),
exceptionMsgTitle, MessageBoxButtons.OK,
MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation );
// rebind UI if requested and .Save() ( or Cancel() ) were successful.
// The second check (operationCompleted==true) is required because
// if the .Save() was not successful, then _project must stay in its
// edit state so a user can undo this object to the previous state
// just pressing the Cancel button once.
if ( rebind && operationCompleted)
BindUI(); // calls BusinessBase.BeginEdit()
// restore events
this.projectBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
this.resourcesBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
if ( rebind || !operationCompleted )
// refresh the UI if BindUI() was called
// or if the .Save() was not successful
// (if an exception is thrown after Save button was pressed)
this.projectBindingSource.ResetBindings( false );
this.resourcesBindingSource.ResetBindings( false );
return operationCompleted;
The RebindUI() method calls WinPart.FlushBindingSource()
(which was introduced in )
protected void FlushBindingSource( BindingSource source, bool apply )
if ( apply )
Also we should move binding code from the ProjectEdit constructor to the load event handler
(as noticed in ):
public ProjectEdit(Project project)
// store object reference
_project = project;
private void ProjectEdit_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
// set up binding
this.roleListBindingSource.DataSource = RoleList.GetList();
// check authorization
That's all. Nearly the same should be done with ResourceEdit.cs.
I think with these patches the ProjectTracker will be stable enough for its purpose
to be the face of .CSLA framework.
Exactly! And in 3.5 the data portal will default to cloning the object unless you use a config switch to set it to the pre-3.0 behavior (when you should have been manually cloning the object).
(which has a beneficial side-effect because it catches most remote data portal issues even with a local data portal - making moving from 2-tier to 3-tier simpler)
2 Andy:
What is the use if we clone the object after .ApplyEdit()? There will be two objects with two empty undo stacks and it will not be possible to undo any changes.
I'm talking that we should to clone the object BEFORE .ApplyEdit().
2 Rocky:
Currently I'm using CSLA 3.0.3 with CslaAutoCloneOnUpdate set to true. So the framework clones my objects automatically on every .Save(). But there is no code which clones the object in the beginning of ApplyEdit() in this version of CSLA.
What about CSLA 3.5? I'll check it also as soon as the svn becomes accessible. Is looks as it is shutdowned today :(
2 myself:
Anyway there is the bug in the finally block.
If we didn't change the projectBindingSource.DataSource then there are no needs to reset our binding sources.
The correct code is here:
if ( rebind && operationCompleted)
this.projectBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
this.resourcesBindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
if ( rebind && operationCompleted)
// refresh the UI if BindUI() was called
this.projectBindingSource.ResetBindings( false );
this.resourcesBindingSource.ResetBindings( false );
so24wo:What is the use if we clone the object after .ApplyEdit()? There will be two objects with two empty undo stacks and it will not be possible to undo any changes.I'm talking that we should to clone the object BEFORE .ApplyEdit().
I see what you're getting at; the user loses the ability to undo changes. That only matters if for some reason your exception is correctable via user action, so as picking a new unique document number. If you have a need for this, I suppose you can turn off auto-cloning done in the data portal and do the clone first. I'm not sure if databinding would like it though if you re-bound the old object when the save fails.
ajj3085:I see what you're getting at; the user loses the ability to undo changes. That only matters if for some reason your exception is correctable via user action, so as picking a new unique document number.
Yes. One possibility when this happens is if the user saves an invalid object then ApplyEdit() doesn't throw an exception but Save() does. Of cource the user knows that the object is invalid already because the UI should shows it with the ErrorProvider control.
One another possibility is when there are new validation rules added on the server but the client application was not updated. In this case the DataPortal_Update() must check validation rules and if they are violated it must throw an exception. So Save() throws it on the client side. (Well, I wish to write one another message about the validation in the ProjectTracker's DataPortal methods.)
ajj3085:If you have a need for this, I suppose you can turn off auto-cloning done in the data portal and do the clone first.
Why? I like it :)
ajj3085:I'm not sure if databinding would like it though if you re-bound the old object when the save fails.
Currently I'm sure there is no any troubles with it. Of cource, if the object's DataPortal_Update() uses transactions.
so24wo:Yes. One possibility when this happens is if the user saves an invalid object then ApplyEdit() doesn't throw an exception but Save() does. Of cource the user knows that the object is invalid already because the UI should shows it with the ErrorProvider control.
so24wo:One another possibility is when there are new validation rules added on the server but the client application was not updated. In this case the DataPortal_Update() must check validation rules and if they are violated it must throw an exception. So Save() throws it on the client side. (Well, I wish to write one another message about the validation in the ProjectTracker's DataPortal methods.)
That shouldn't happen, and won't work unless you take extra steps. The normal scenario for this is remoting, and with remoting versions much match exactly for just this reason; the type may have changed between versions. I would guess that such a setup isn't a supported scenario, unless you are using Csla to build two applications because you're crossing a trust boundry.
so24wo:ajj3085:If you have a need for this, I suppose you can turn off auto-cloning done in the data portal and do the clone first.Why? I like it :)
Well because you're doing the clone twice, needlessly. If you're going to clone prior to ApplyEdit, there isn't a real need to clone again, and you're just incuring more overhead for no benefit.
Well, the transactions protect the database from invalid state. I wasn't sure how databinding would react, although I suppose that if you get an exception, there's no need to rebind the UI anyway, so I'd think it would be fine.so24wo:ajj3085:I'm not sure if databinding would like it though if you re-bound the old object when the save fails.Currently I'm sure there is no any troubles with it. Of cource, if the object's DataPortal_Update() uses transactions.
ajj3085:Well because you're doing the clone twice, needlessly. If you're going to clone prior to ApplyEdit, there isn't a real need to clone again, and you're just incuring more overhead for no benefit.
But we also use this autocloning in RolesEdit.cs.
So for ProjectEdit our code should look something like:
Project temp = _project.Clone();
AutoCloneOnUpdate = false;
_project = temp.Save(); // .Save() throws an exception on errors
operationCompleted = true;
catches (...) { ... }
AutoCloneOnUpdate = true;
Of cource this is only idea. As AutoCloneOnUpdate is a readonly property and it works for the LocalProxy only.
That switch can’t really be dynamic, as it controls the
entire data portal. And people’s UI code must be written differently when
it is on or off.
Honestly, the data portal should have done this auto clone from
day 1, it just didn’t occur to me back then. So versions 3.0 and 3.5 are
a way of transitioning from the old (bad) way to the new way. CSLA 4.0 will
probably eliminate the setting and always do the auto clone.
Again, the point here is that the remote data portal behavior is
what it is. I’m just making the local data portal have the same semantic
behavior (as much as possible).
The alternative is what we’ve had to date – the poor
UI developer must manually clone the object graph and jump through silly hoops.
And they must know whether the data portal is running in local or remote mode. That
is all wrong – the UI developer shouldn’t need to know if the data
portal is in local or remote mode – or that there is a data portal at all
– this is just not a UI concern.
If you want to trap the object’s state before the final
ApplyEdit(), then that is the UI developer’s concern. This is not
a business layer or mobile object or data access layer concern. You are
imposing a requirement due to a UI constraint, and so it is a UI issue. And
that’s fine – but it is something that needs to be addressed at the
UI layer.
From: ajj3085
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] PTWin\ProjectEdit.cs: .ApplyEdit() and .Save()
should appear as one transaction
Well the CloneOnUpdate (or whatever its called) is an all or
nothing prospect, and your decision on what value to use will drive how
you architect your application. I don't see why that property couldn't be
read / write at run-time, except for consistncy. I can see people posting
here because the object isn't being cloned by the dataportal because another
form turned that feature off and they forgot to turn it back on. ">
AutoCloneOnUpdate only works on a local data portal proxy,
because remote data portal proxies clone the object automatically – the object
is cloned across the network, which is unavoidable.
This is why the auto clone works the way it does – my goal
is to make the use of a local proxy have the same behavior as the use of a
remote proxy. The way a remote proxy works obviously can’t be changed
because the network is there, and so I’ve made the local proxy work in as
similar a manner as possible.
It is true, there’s no Clone before ApplyEdit, and I don’t
plan to put one in. If you want to be able to restore the object to the user
such that they can click Cancel then you’ll need to do the cloning
yourself like you did prior to 3.0.
The point you bring up about the finally block is, I think, more
of an optimization than a bug. The existing code works, your approach is
probably more efficient. I’m not sure it is terribly important though,
because this is the exceptional case, not the normal case. In the normal case
the Save() worked and a refresh really is required.
The svn server isn’t actually down, but my DSL connection
is basically broken. I’ve filed a repair order, so hopefully they can
find and fix the problem. As it is, my Internet connection stays up for maybe
10 minutes at a time if I’m lucky… Miserable situation.
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