I have a problem, it crash my project at runtime.
I have Employee BO(Employee is only an example, my project has many complex class)
public class Employee:Csla.BusinessBase<Employee>
private string _Name;
private Employee _Manager;
// All properties and mothod is OK
My data: Employee_A{“Ronaldinho”, Employee_B)
Employee_B(“Ronaldo”, Employee_C)
Employee_C(“Calos”, Employee_A)
When edit an employee, stack will overflow in UndoableBase class, at following code:
// When field name is _Manager
object value = field.GetValue(this);
if (typeof(Csla.Core.IUndoableObject).IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType))
// make sure the variable has a value
if (value == null)
// variable has no value - store that fact
state.Add(GetFieldName(field), null);
// this is a child object, cascade the call
// This command is called much time until program is cracked
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