I recently downloaded csla35cs and I loaded it using Visual Studio 2008. I changed my connectionstring so that it works locally. I rebuilt csla.dll (that worked fine).
However, I tried rebuilding PTWpf and I got errors...
The errors are in the xaml files. It says that the Assembly 'Csla' cannot be found. This error occurs on the line :
:csla="clr-namespace:Csla.Wpf;assembly=Csla"in the file ResourceEdit.xaml.
I checked the references for the project PTWpf and Csla was there, it was pointing to the newly built Csla.dll that I just rebuilt.
I also rebuilt ProjectTracker.Library and that compiled successfully.
What can I be doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
I don't know. I have the solutions on three different machines (to make sure I don't do some machine-specific thing by mistake)...
Look in PTWpf\bin\debug and make sure Csla.dll is there.
Also, make sure you are building everything in debug mode (to start with anyway). I often make that mistake - building Csla.dll in Release mode and then I'm unable to build ProjectTracker because it references the debug version that isn't there...
Also, the file reference uses relative paths. It is assumed that you unzip everything so the relative paths are the same as they are for me:
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