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Ouistiti posted on Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I'm probably missing something, but I wonder why the implementation of the IndexOf method of class SortedBindingList (Csla 2.0.1) returns the index of the original item, not the sorted one.
Thanks for your answer.
RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I think this is a bug, thanks for catching it. I'll fix it in cvs so it will be fixed in subsequent releases (2.0.3 and higher).burmajam replied on Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Is it bug in line 647 on SortedBindingList? When grid is not sorted everything is fine, but when I sort it, exception raises here (red line)?
/// <summary>
/// Gets the child item at the specified index in the list,
/// honoring the sort order of the items.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the item in the sorted list.</param>
public T this[int index]
if (_sorted)
return _list[OriginalIndex(index)];
return _list[index];
if (_sorted)
_list[OriginalIndex(index)] = value;
_list[index] = value;
RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, June 21, 2006
burmajam, can you provide more details? I use SortedBindingList on a regular basis and don't get an exception there. What is the specific scenario where you see this exception?burmajam replied on Wednesday, June 21, 2006
OK here's what I've done. Sorry for the language I hope it won't cofuse you.
public class RobaSpisak : ReadOnlyListBase<RobaSpisak, RobaInfo>
// all cached stuff ....
private Collection<RobaInfo> _svaRoba = new Collection<RobaInfo>();
public Collection<RobaInfo> SvaRoba
get { return _svaRoba; }
public void FilterRoba(string naziv) { this.Items.Clear(); foreach (RobaInfo roba in SvaRoba) { if (roba.Naziv.ToUpper().IndexOf(naziv.ToUpper()) != -1) this.Items.Add(roba); } } // maybe this is the problem. I use this Property as datasource for ObjectDataSource in UI
private Csla.SortedBindingList<RobaInfo> _asDataSource;
public Csla.SortedBindingList<RobaInfo> AsDataSource
get { return _asDataSource; }
/// <summary>
/// Postavlja AsDataSource atribut
/// </summary>
internal void SetAsDataSource()
_asDataSource = new Csla.SortedBindingList<RobaInfo>(this);
#region Factory Methods
/// <summary>
/// Vraća spisak sve robe. i postavalja AsDataSource
/// </summary>
public static RobaSpisak GetRobaSpisak()
RobaSpisak rezultat = DataPortal.Fetch<RobaSpisak>(new Criteria());
return rezultat;
} private RobaSpisak()
{ /* require use of factory methods */ }
#region Data Access
private class Criteria
{ /* no criteria - retrieve them all */ }
private void DataPortal_Fetch(Criteria criteria)
// fetch bez filtera
private void Fetch()
// this part is not interesting becouse it handles MySQL data
RobaInfo info = new RobaInfo(
_svaRoba.Add(info); }
IsReadOnly = true;
I guess I did some silly things, but I wanted cached-sortable-filterable list.
It does work, but not when grid is sorted
Thank you
Ouistiti replied on Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Thanks for your quick answer.
I think this is a bug, thanks for catching it. I'll fix it in cvs so
it will be fixed in subsequent releases (2.0.3 and higher).
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