CSLA and Citrix

CSLA and Citrix

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/4215.aspx

meierk posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is probably not the properly forum for this question, but hopefully someone can answer anyway.

I am nearing completion of my first CSLA winforms application and need to start (should have 3 months ago) thinking about deployment.  The application is just a simple client-server app and my client would like to run it from their existing Citrix server.  I am wondering if I can get the clients infrustructure support person to simple install my msi on the Citrix machine and publish an icon to each user or is there other considerations that I need to be aware of?


MGervais replied on Thursday, January 24, 2008


We run our applications exclusively within a Citrix environment and the process you have outlined is exactly how we get our applications up and running.

I can't comment on exactly what it is our IT Staff do to get everything working, but to us developers it is as simple as providing them with the bits (msi or whatever) and they "make it run".

If you do run into any problems, please let us know.  Perhaps there are some gotchas out there that we have not yet run into.


meierk replied on Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thanks for the reply Marc.

After I sent the original message I did some more searches and uncovered an issue which may hit us.  We are now considering deploying the application to a network share and just publishing it through Citrix.  Apparently .NET applications don't run well on network shares without full trust to the share from the Citrix machine.  I'm probably the only one who did not know that :)

See: http://blogs.msdn.com/brada/archive/2007/10/26/adhoc-poll-allowing-net-exes-to-run-off-a-network-share.aspx
and http://www.gnonug.org/Support/FAQ/85.aspx

Anyways, I know this is off topic since it has nothing to do with CSLA, but I did want to thank you and pass in the links for anyone else that may be curious.


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