Setting Up Web Service Host with Windows Security, Help!

Setting Up Web Service Host with Windows Security, Help!

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Joey posted on Thursday, January 24, 2008

I am having difficulty setting up proper security around the web service data portal. If I allow anonymous access in IIS, everything works great using csla, however, that will not fly in my environment so I need to figure out security.  I have read through Rocky's book(approx 8hrs worth), reviewed the sample app, and searched the forums, yet I still have not figure this problem out.  However, from reading the forums I get a feeling that alot of newbies have ancountered similiar problems around a "known issue"; but I am not sure what version of the csla they were working on and what the exact nature of the known issue was.  So, here is what I am encountering:

  1. Win client, web service data portal, windows authentication. 
  2. Setup web service on local host to do integrated, digest
  3. csla version 2.1.4-070223
  4. In Win Client config: <add key="CslaAuthentication" value="Windows" />

  5. In Web Data portal proxy config: <add key="CslaAuthentication" value="Windows"/>

  6. In Form_Load of test form in win client: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy( _

  7.  When I do a test fetch (unit tested data access and works with anonymous security) I recieve a 401 access denied. 

I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I am stuck and need to push forward.  I am setting up the application skeleton at this point as a proof of concept in using the csla in our environment.  I would like to use winodws authentication and a custom role based authentication (hybrid); but for now I simply want to get the basic window security working.  I have worked in .net web apps for 6yrs but never has to tackle the security end of things.  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!





Joey replied on Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I solved my problem by adding the UseDefaultCredentials equal to true to the WebServicesProxy Facoty Function, line 19:

 Public Class WebServicesProxy

    Implements DataPortalClient.IDataPortalProxy

    Private Function GetPortal() As WebServiceHost.WebServicePortal

      Dim wsvc As New WebServiceHost.WebServicePortal
       wsvc.Url = ApplicationContext.DataPortalUrl.ToString
       wsvc.UseDefaultCredentials = True


This solved the problem, though I do not like having to edit the CSLA core to do it.  If someone has a better solution please provide.




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