RockfordLhotka, Is there any license key for using the CSLA Framework? I want to evaluate for my .NET development. Kindly let me know if any?
Best Regards
Srinivasan B
There is a link to the license on the download page:
It is also in license.txt in the download zip file.
You should read it all but the first few sentences summarizes.
The CSLA .NET framework is Copyright 2006-2007 by Rockford Lhotka.
You can use this Software for any noncommercial purpose, including
distributing derivative works. You can use this Software for any commercial
purpose other than you may not use it, in whole or in part, to create a
commercial framework product.
In short, you can use CSLA .NET and modify it to create other commercial or
business software, you just can't take the framework itself, modify it and
sell it as a product.
Copyright (c) Marimer LLC