CSLA implementation of logging and caching

CSLA implementation of logging and caching

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/4302.aspx

Piet Koole posted on Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Our company is now in a fase of selecting an architecture for our software. CSLA has come up as a choice. Colleges have come up with some question.
How can we compare CSLA with the building blocks / factories of Microsoft.
How would logging and especially caching be implemented.

skagen00 replied on Wednesday, February 06, 2008

As has been said before, they solve two very different problems and do so in a complimentary manner.

We currently use the logging block with our application (and the exception handling and data-access block). We opted to not use the caching block because the ASP.Net caching solution is better in certain respects.

So don't think of it as a comparison - think of both CSLA and the Microsoft ECL (app blocks) as two tools that can both be used to build your application.

Good luck,



JohnB replied on Wednesday, February 06, 2008

We're using log4net for logging and we have an implementation in place for caching based on some others Csla caching technique. I don't have that link available at this time but I will look for it.  Just so you know, we are currently working with a WinForm app. No web at this time.

There is also an article that Rocky wrote some time ago which may help you too.


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