BusinessBase Save Issue

BusinessBase Save Issue

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jfreeman posted on Thursday, February 07, 2008

    I have a new BO that is inheriting from Businessbase<T> but when I try to use the object in a WinForm, I do not see the Save method or the IsNew, IsDirty, etc properties.  Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?  I have included the code where I inherit the BusinessBase.

    public class KPI : BusinessBase<KPI>



rsbaker0 replied on Thursday, February 07, 2008

You should look at the PTWin sample. For starters, you need to implement your own DataPortal_Update() method that will be called when  you save the object.

The IsNew and IsDirty are handled by your factory method (a freshly created object is typically marked new), and calling PropertyHasChanged() in your property setters will set the Dirty flag.

jfreeman replied on Friday, February 08, 2008

I have been comparing my code to the PTwin and everything looks the same.  I also have a DataPortal_Update() method.  Here is the code for the BO:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Csla;
using Csla.Data;
using Csla.Security;
using Scorecard.Data;

namespace Scorecard.Library
    public class KPI : BusinessBase<KPI>

    #region  Business Methods

        private static PropertyInfo<int> KpiIDProperty = RegisterProperty<int>(typeof(KPI), new PropertyInfo<int>("KpiID"));

        [System.ComponentModel.DataObjectField(true, true)]
        public int KpiID
            get { return GetProperty<int>(KpiIDProperty); }
            set { GetProperty<int>(KpiIDProperty, value); }

        private static PropertyInfo<short> KpiOrderProperty = RegisterProperty<short>(typeof(KPI), new PropertyInfo<short>("KpiOrder"));
        public short KpiOrder
          get { return GetProperty<short>(KpiOrderProperty); }
          set { SetProperty<short>(KpiOrderProperty, value); }

        private static PropertyInfo<string> KpiScorecardProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(typeof(KPI), new PropertyInfo<string>("KpiScorecard"));
        public string KpiScorecard
          get { return GetProperty<string>(KpiScorecardProperty); }
          set { SetProperty<string>(KpiScorecardProperty, value); }

        private static PropertyInfo<string> KpiGroupProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(typeof(KPI), new PropertyInfo<string>("KpiGroup"));
        public string KpiGroup
          get { return GetProperty<string>(KpiGroupProperty); }
          set { SetProperty<string>(KpiGroupProperty, value); }

        private static PropertyInfo<string> KpiNameProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(typeof(KPI), new PropertyInfo<string>("KpiName"));
        public string KpiName
          get { return GetProperty<string>(KpiNameProperty); }
          set { SetProperty<string>(KpiNameProperty, value); }

    public override string ToString()
      return KpiID.ToString();


    #region  Validation Rules

    protected override void AddBusinessRules()
                              new Csla.Validation.RuleArgs(KpiNameProperty));
                              new Csla.Validation.CommonRules.MaxLengthRuleArgs(KpiNameProperty, 50));
                              new Csla.Validation.RuleArgs(KpiScorecardProperty));

                              new Csla.Validation.RuleArgs(KpiGroupProperty));



    #region  Authorization Rules

    protected override void AddAuthorizationRules()
      // add AuthorizationRules here

    protected static void AddObjectAuthorizationRules()
      // add object-level authorization rules here



    #region  Factory Methods

    public static KPI NewKPI()
      return DataPortal.Create<KPI>();

    public static KPI GetKPI(int kpiID)
      return DataPortal.Fetch<KPI>(new SingleCriteria<KPI, int>(kpiID));

    public static void DeleteKPI(int kpiID)
      DataPortal.Delete(new SingleCriteria<KPI, int>(kpiID));

    private KPI()
    { /* require use of factory methods */ }


    #region  Data Access

    protected override void DataPortal_Create()
      //LoadProperty<int>(KpiIDProperty, Guid.NewGuid());
      //Started = System.Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Today);

    private void DataPortal_Fetch(SingleCriteria<KPI, int> criteria)
      using (var ctx = ContextManager<Scorecard.Data.ScorecardDataContext>.GetManager(Database.ScorecardConnection))
        // get KPI data
        var data = (from p in ctx.DataContext.KPIs
                    where p.ID == criteria.Value
                    select p).Single();

        LoadProperty<int>(KpiIDProperty, data.ID);
        LoadProperty<short>(KpiOrderProperty, data.KPIOrder);
        LoadProperty<string>(KpiScorecardProperty, data.KPIScorecard);
        LoadProperty<string>(KpiGroupProperty, data.KPIGroup);
        LoadProperty<string>(KpiNameProperty, data.KPIName);

        // get child data
        //LoadProperty<ProjectResources>(ResourcesProperty, ProjectResources.GetProjectResources(data.Assignments.ToArray()));

    protected override void DataPortal_Insert()
        using (var ctx = ContextManager<Scorecard.Data.ScorecardDataContext>.GetManager(Database.ScorecardConnection))
        // insert KPI data

                ReadProperty<short>(KpiOrderProperty) ,
            // update child objects
        //DataPortal.UpdateChild(ReadProperty<ProjectResources>(ResourcesProperty), this);

    protected override void DataPortal_Update()
        using (var ctx = ContextManager<Scorecard.Data.ScorecardDataContext>.GetManager(Database.ScorecardConnection))

            // insert KPIdata

            // update child objects
            //DataPortal.UpdateChild(ReadProperty<ProjectResources>(ResourcesProperty), this);

    //protected override void DataPortal_DeleteSelf()
    //  DataPortal_Delete(new SingleCriteria<KPI, int>(ReadProperty<int>(KpiIDProperty)));

    private void DataPortal_Delete(SingleCriteria<KPI, int> criteria)
        using (var ctx = ContextManager<Scorecard.Data.ScorecardDataContext>.GetManager(Database.ScorecardConnection))
        // delete KPI data

        // reset child list field
        //SetProperty<ProjectResources>(ResourcesProperty, ProjectResources.NewProjectResources());




Inquistive_Mind replied on Tuesday, February 12, 2008


          Add the overridable save method

public override KPI Save()


//Check for authorization rules first and then save

KPI saveInstance = null;



saveInstance = base.Save();


catch (System.Exception ex)




return saveInstance;





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