This may be an oversight on my part. I'll have look into that.
I guess some history would help explain this, and I need to start building up some documentation.
This version came about mainly because I had a data logging project in an industrial environment and the computer running the machine was running windows CE 5.0. I had been using CSLA for other business apps and I prefer it to datasets or something really boring like DTO's. So I set out find out if CSLA could be modified to run on CE. After looking at some other threads in this forum I decided to have a go at it. The result is a version really stripped down to just what I needed (which unfortunately did not include delete) for that project. I then realized afterwards that it would be good to try and add back as much as possible. This is the version that has been put up on the site and I am currently working on.
What's missing today?
1. N-Level undo.
2. Remote Data Portal.
What is different?
1. CE does not have a Windows Principal so the only option is to roll your own.
2. CE cannot create an instance of an object with private constructor so you must make it public if you want to use the methods.
This not necessarily a complete list, it is an off the top of my head list.
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