I’m developing a point of sale application.
Use case:
User wants to edit an existing article (e.g. a shoe with identity 123).
This shoe has a property beam of measures e.g. men_shoes (which include for example the sizes 36, 37, 38, 39,40, 41, 42)
Now the users want to edit this article.
On the screen he wants to see:
- season
- mark
- beam of measures
- a grid with all the possible sizes on the first column and the second column the price of the article for this particular size.
Size Price
39 12
40 12
Notice: only a price is filled for the sizes 39 and 40. This means for this article the manager of the shop has only bought these two sizes (the manufacturer makes also the other sizes). But by filling in only a price for particular sizes the user knows that only these sizes are being sold in the shop.
In the database we have the following tables
Article with fields Id, Name, Season, Mark, Beam of measures, ..
ArticleDetails with fields Id, ArticleId, SizeId, Price
Sizes with fields Id, Type, Name
For database efficiency my idea is to store in the table ArticleDetails only records for the sizes we have in the shop. In our example two records for the sizes 39 and 40.
My design question is now the following.
I will create an editable root parent object for Article.
This object will have a child collection of the sizes.
Should I construct a collection with records for each size, so not only records for 39 and 40, but records for all the sizes? So is this a good object oriented design to create a child collection like this because in the database we don’t have so many records? Or is it the responsibility of the GUI to do this, see what beam of measures the article has, show on the screen all the possible sizes and put a price for the right size?
I was thinking to construct the collection that the GUI wants in the business layer. So the GUI just binds the collection Article.Sizes to a grid and the job is done.
Can you give me some advise what is a good approach?
I think we want the GUI as "dumb" as possible so that when it comes time to build a new one we don't have to transfer a lot of logic from the old UI to the new one.
On top of that suppose you have other screens where you have to fill in quantities that you have ordered for this article, you want to see also all the possible sizes (disable the sizes that you don't sell so that the user can not order this).
So I think in a Point Of Sale application everywhere an article is showed all the possible sizes are showed. So if this is the case, shouldn't it be better to construct the business objects in the way the GUI can use it immediately?
Can you point me in the good direction of how to create a good object model?
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