anyone have chm/doc file for v2.0 - v2.02?

anyone have chm/doc file for v2.0 - v2.02?

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antoan posted on Thursday, June 22, 2006

I've tried a number of ways to generate docs from xml for the CLSA 2005 framework including a NDoc 2005 beta. I'm now gonna look at how to do this with xstl with which I'm not familiar.

I'd really appreciate it if some who aready has docs makes it available/posts it.

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, June 29, 2006

One of Magenic's consultants did find a non-standard version of ndoc that worked (with some effort he said) to create a chm file. I haven't had time to repeat what he did, and (honestly) I've been hoping that they'd get the new ndoc done soon so I could just use a supported tool...

So you know, you won't be able to replicated what ndoc does just by using xslt. They also use reflection against the assembly to get more information (or at least they did in .NET 1.x).

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