I've finally jumped into CSLA (simply fantastic) and naturally, custom authentication is the first thing I'm trying to do.
I am trying to understand why there is a LoadOnlyCriteria in PTIdentity.
The code looks like it retrieves the same information as the CredentialsCriteria, only it doesn't check the password. You still get all the same data.
I can only think this is to retrieve the data without logging in. An administrator for maintenance or reporting, perhaps.
But then Fetch sets the IsAuthenticated property to True regardless of which DataPortal_Fetch calls it. And PTPrincipal.LoadPrincipal uses SetPrincipal to set the CSLA.ApplicationContext.User to the principal that just got loaded.
Somehow that doesn't seem right. What am I missing here?
Private Overloads Sub DataPortal_Fetch(ByVal criteria As LoadOnlyCriteria)
Using ctx = ContextManager(Of ProjectTracker.DalLinq.Security.SecurityDataContext).GetManager(Database.SecurityConnection)
Dim data = From u In ctx.DataContext.Users Where u.Username = criteria.Username Select u
If data.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub Fetch(ByVal user As DalLinq.Security.User)
If user IsNot Nothing Then
mName = user.Username
mIsAuthenticated = True
Dim roles = From r In user.Roles
For Each role In roles
mName = ""
mIsAuthenticated = False
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Sub LoadPrincipal(ByVal username As String)
End Sub
Private Shared Function SetPrincipal(ByVal identity As PTIdentity) As Boolean
If identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim principal As PTPrincipal = New PTPrincipal(identity)
Csla.ApplicationContext.User = principal
End If
Return identity.IsAuthenticated
End Function
What you are missing is the context in which Rocky created it.
You have to read this forum or one of his eBooks to get it in depth.
As I recall it is a WPF thing. The Authorize and Authenticate steps are separate and the Principal is lost in between them. Rocky wanted to only hit the DB once and this code had something to do with fixing the issue. Or not. I really don't remember. <g>
I bought the ebook, but didn't look there (duh).
That sounds oddly familiar, though.
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