Hello all:
I have added a FilteredBindingList to on of my business objects. When I try to run my code I am now getting serialization errors because of the FilteredBindingList. School_ER and Student_EC are serializable. I've added the NonSerialized attribute to the private FilteredBindingList member to see if it would correct the issue but I still get the error.
The filtered list shouldn't be serialized, just the main list of students so the NonSerialized attribute seemed logical .
Basically I need a school object that manages ALL students. However, my user interface needs to see different lists of students (filtered by class). So I am creating a filtered binding list inside of school for which I can change the filter property as necessary and any controls it's bound to will show the proper subset of students.
At any time I only want a student object in memory once so I can't just instantiate a new list using a different filter.
Here is the actual error
"Type 'Csla.FilteredBindingList`1[[Business.Student_EC, Business, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' in Assembly 'Csla, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=93be5fdc093e4c30' is not marked as serializable."
If you contain a FBL inside a business object you would need to mark it as NonSerialized and NotUndoable.
Fwiw, FBL is really designed to be created/used by the UI developer more than the business object developer.
Thanks Rocky:
Yes, I realize that is the intention of the FBL, however having it inside my BO for this particular scenario actually makes sense.
Thanks again,
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