I have a databound textbox that throws a System.StackOverflowException in Csla.dll everytime I try to update the value of the databound textbox . Here is the call stack when the exception is thrown:
Csla.dll!Csla.Core.BindableBase.OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName = "SiteID") Line 102 C#
Csla.dll!Csla.Core.BusinessBase.PropertyHasChanged(string propertyName = "SiteID") Line 276 C#
Csla.dll!Csla.Core.BusinessBase.PropertyHasChanged() Line 257 C#
ClaimAudit.Biz.dll!ClaimAudit.Biz.ClaimAudit.SiteID.set(string value = "249000029") Line 589 + 0x8 bytes C#
[External Code]
ClaimAudit.Windows.exe!ClaimAudit.Windows.Program.Main() Line 21 + 0x1a bytes C#
and here is the SiteID property that is bound to the textbox:
public string SiteID{
MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] get{
true); return _siteID;}
MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] set{
true); if (_siteID != value){
_siteID =
This is the line in BindableBase.OnPropertyChanged that is throwing the exception:
this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Can anyone give me some insight into what I am doing incorrectly?
I get what you're saying about the endless loop, that would explain the StackOverflowException. So after reading your message, I took the windows form and stripped it down to one textbox that is bound to the SiteID property of my business object via the designer (dragging from Data Sources) and the only code behind the form is the following:
public partial class ClaimAuditFormTest : Form{
public ClaimAuditFormTest(ClaimAudit.Biz.ClaimAudit claimAudit){
ClaimAuditBindingSource.DataSource = claimAudit;
Yet I still get the same System.StackOverflowException in Csla.dll exception when after editing the SiteId textbox. Since there is now next to nothing in the code behind the form, where could this endless loop be occurring?
Use the debugger and trace through. Obviously you have some code
(not in the UI apparently) that is triggered when your property changes, and is
then changing the property.
From: TooMuch
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 7:33 PM
To: rocky@lhotka.net
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] Need help with PropertyHasChanged() error
I get what you're saying about the endless loop, that would explain the
StackOverflowException. So after reading your message, I took the windows
form and stripped it down to one textbox that is bound to the SiteID
property of my business object via the designer (dragging from Data Sources)
and the only code behind the form is the following:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ClaimAudit.Windows
public partial class ClaimAuditFormTest
: Form
public ClaimAuditFormTest(ClaimAudit.Biz.ClaimAudit claimAudit)
= claimAudit;
Yet I still get the same
System.StackOverflowException in Csla.dll exception when after editing the
SiteId textbox. Since there is now next to nothing in the code behind the
form, where could this endless loop be occurring?
Ok, this one was a hard one to track down because I couldn't use the normal methods of debugging/tracing since the error was occurring in the BindableBase.OnPropertyChanged event with the line:
_nonSerializableHandlers.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Since you can't step into that call while debugging it made it more difficult to catch. But the StackOverflowException was being caused by my business objects override of GetIdValue, which in hindsight was terribly wrong, but it looked like this:
protected override object GetIdValue(){
return this;}
That's a definite no-no since this will be called by Equals() and creates the endless loop, I changed the override to the following:
protected override object GetIdValue()
return this._auditID;
Thanks for the assistance in helping me track down the exception, I'm still learning the intracacies of the Csla framework!
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