ReadOnlyListBaseExtension in CSLA3.5

ReadOnlyListBaseExtension in CSLA3.5

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gkurtz posted on Saturday, March 15, 2008

I was wondering. In the class below. Shouldn't Core.IEditableBusinessObject be Core.IReadOnlyObject ?

public static class ReadOnlyListBaseExtension
public static IEnumerable<C> Where<T, C>(this ReadOnlyListBase<T, C> source, Expression<Func<C, bool>> expr)
where T : ReadOnlyListBase<T, C>
where C : Core.IEditableBusinessObject
        foreach (C item in source.SearchByExpression(expr))
yield return item;

Or is it that I'm missing something?


RockfordLhotka replied on Saturday, March 15, 2008

That seems likely. I'll forward this to Aaron so he can confirm/fix.


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