Hello everyone.
I'm using a datetime field for my concurrency checks. In my save stored procedure I use RAISERROR to throw an error if the record has been changed by someone else.
This works great, but i'm trying to figure out what the best way to write a test to check this behavior. Currently I do the following which works, but I think the way I'm handling the catch is very poor. I basically want to catch the error I throw and handle it so the test passes, but I want any other failures to cause the test to fail.
Any suggestions?
<Test()> _
Public Sub ConcurrencyCheck_Person()
' create and save person
Dim myGuid as guid
Dim myPerson As Person
myPerson = Person.NewPerson
myGuid = Person.Guid
myPerson.FName = "John"
myPerson.LName = "Doe"
' get the person... this will have the dateTimeStamp that was set in the database on the save
myPerson= Person.GetPerson(myGuid )
' print the original DateTimeStamp from the database
Debug.WriteLine("Old DTS = " & myPerson.DateTimeStamp)
' make change and save.. This save should work fine
myPerson.FName = "Jane"
' print the updated DateTimeStamp after the object has been saved
Debug.WriteLine("New DTS = " & myPerson.DateTimeStamp)
' change the datetimestamp so it doesn't match the Database
myPerson.DateTimeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString
' this save should throw an exception because the DateTimeStamps will not match
Catch ex As Foundation.Data.DataPortalException
If ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message.ToString = "Concurrency check failed" Then
End If
Based on attribute above test method being <Test()> and
not <TestMethod()> I presume that it is NUnit.
Reagan123 – couldn’t you just use ExpectedException attribute
and then set it to the exception that you want to ignore?
From: ajj3085
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 2:26 PM
To: Nermin Dibek
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] Unit Test for Concurrency Check...?
Are you using Nunit or the MS testing?
Thanks for the replies... Yes, I am using Nunit.
"couldn’t you just use ExpectedException"
Never heard of this before so I'll go do some researching... Thanks so far!
Hmm... ExpectedException looks like exactly what I need, but now I have another issue. I believe the exception being raised now is a "DataPortalException"... The problem with this is that it may not be my concurrency issue that caused it... maybe something else happened.
Any ideas on an approach to get around this?
Thanks for the suggestion... I never knew about that attribute.
Let me re-phrase the question to make sure I understand exactly
what you are asking:
I believe that your problem is that there are 2 different types
of exceptions being thrown: One for the concurrency issue, and another
unexpected one.
However booth of these are wrapped into DataPortalException (as
InnerException), and therefore it is hard for you to determine which one is it?
And if you cannot determine that you cannot determine whether test passes or
fails, right?
This seems like a question for Rocky, perhaps. Maybe what
we need is a “configurable policy” in Csla itself that determines
how exceptions are handled and passed to the client – in other words
whether Original exception wrapped in DataPortalException is passed or the
original exception is re-thrown on the client.
Another solution is to use this type of catch:
Catch(DataPortalException ex)
Assert.AreEqual (typeof (ExceptionTypeILookFor), ex.GetType());
Hope that helps,
From: reagan123
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 3:46 PM
To: Nermin Dibek
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] RE: Unit Test for Concurrency Check...?
Hmm... ExpectedException looks like exactly what I need, but now I have
another issue. I believe the exception being raised now is a
"DataPortalException"... The problem with this is that it may not be
my concurrency issue that caused it... maybe something else happened.
Any ideas on an approach to get around this?
Thanks for the suggestion... I never knew about that attribute.
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