I have a WPF application that is displaying a strage problem.
My business objects, in this particular case, all override the Save methd and check to see if the user is able to save (by checking a shard CanEdit function.
When the control loads I also check the CanEdit method and Enable/Disable various controls based on if the user CanEdit, etc.
When I try to save the list it throws an error because the principal is no longer authenticated.
However, if I then go and make an edit on another list, that does NOT check CanEdit on Save all subsequent attempts to sav eth original list work.
It seems only if I try to save an object which shcecks on Save does the Principal appear to be InValid.
I realize WPF is not thread safe but should it either work or not?
I am using the latest code from the repository and have the same layout as ProjectTracker (Adding a Handler for DataPortalInitInvoke in the constructor) as well as Inheriting from a Base Form.
Does anybody have any insight?
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