Good multi-client service app examples

Good multi-client service app examples

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SonOfPirate posted on Monday, March 24, 2008

I have been tasked with expanding a current project into a multi-client, service-based application and am looking for some good examples of how others have implemented such an architecture.

We will be using CSLA for our business objects and I'm clear on how to develop the service application (using WCF) for the most part.  We will have a couple of clients apps with more in the future.  The first release will have an ASP.NET web app and a WinForms or WPF client app both driven from the service application.

I know Rocky has the BenchManager application and I've reviewed the MS StockTrader app, but we are beyond both of those.  I'm looking for some real world, more complex examples that may touch upon a few areas of particular interest, such as lookup list management, shared code across all three applications (server, web & win clients), security and so on.  If they use CSLA, even better!!!

Thanks in advance!


webjedi replied on Monday, March 24, 2008

Have you looked at ?

It's one of those MS blown out apps that use one of each of their technologies....I think they even threw in Microsoft BOB... :-)

But seriously check it out...there's a lot there.

SonOfPirate replied on Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This looks like a great example.  Thanks for sharing!!!


webjedi replied on Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You should appears that there may be some issues running it on Vista and IIS 7

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