Read only child list?

Read only child list?

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devbanana posted on Thursday, June 22, 2006

Looking through the templates, I noticed there is no implementation for a read only child list. Of course the read only list can be modified to be a child list, but just wondering if such an implementation was looked over.
The situation is that I have a SelectedCategoryInformation object that is created when a user selects a category. This object  allows for listing of subcategories and of products under that category, all of which are read only.
Also, I noticed that, though the read only list implementation uses SafeDataReader, ReadOnlyChild uses SqlDataReader, oddly enough. Just a couple of observations.

RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I only created templates for what I thought were the most common scenarios. You are correct that a ROLB might be a child - in which case you just need to use the child-style factory and data access approaches shown in other objects in the book.

Regarding the different datareader objects - when writing the book I tried to use a variety of different approaches in different areas. As an author, I was trying to show the various ways to do things. In a real app I alwasy recommend picking a consistent, appropriate, approach and sticking with that.

As a bigger example, I try not to mix Guid and Identity primary keys in my apps - I'll try to pick one approach or the other. Mixing various PK styles is just asking for confusion. But in the book I felt the need to show both, because the implementation is different in each case.

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