Transactional attribute with Oracle connection

Transactional attribute with Oracle connection

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mike7 posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2008


I am trying to use transactional attribute (TransactionalTypes.TransactionScope) with an oracle connection. I tried to open an oracle connection and got the following error:

"Unable to load DLL 'oramts.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

Here is my code:

        <Transactional(TransactionalTypes.TransactionScope)> _
        Protected Overrides Sub DataPortal_Update()

            Using cn As New OracleConnection(Database.AMSConnection)
                'Update child objects
                _suiteRanges.Update(Me, cn)
            End Using

        End Sub

(this code is partt of a parent object and _suiteRanges is an editable child collection object)

I found that if I remove the transactional attribute, the code is working.

Is anybody aware of that and should I use a different type of transaction with oracle connection ?

Thank you

nermin replied on Wednesday, April 02, 2008

That probably means that the Oracle Services for MTS component probably is not installed/configured on the box you run your Csla Server side code:






From: mike7 []
Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 10:12 AM
To: Nermin Dibek
Subject: [CSLA .NET] Transactional attribute with Oracle connection



I am trying to use transactional attribute (TransactionalTypes.TransactionScope) with an oracle connection. I tried to open an oracle connection and got the following error:

"Unable to load DLL 'oramts.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

Here is my code:

        <Transactional(TransactionalTypes.TransactionScope)> _
        Protected Overrides Sub DataPortal_Update()

            Using cn As New OracleConnection(Database.AMSConnection)
                'Update child objects
                _suiteRanges.Update(Me, cn)
            End Using

        End Sub

(this code is partt of a parent object and _suiteRanges is an editable child collection object)

I found that if I remove the transactional attribute, the code is working.

Is anybody aware of that and should I use a different type of transaction with oracle connection ?

Thank you

mike7 replied on Thursday, April 03, 2008

Thank you for your help. I will take a look at this.

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