Server crash

Server crash

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RockfordLhotka posted on Saturday, June 24, 2006

The server crashed around midnight on June 23 US central time. It appears that the issue was with the hard drive. I discovered it was down this morning, and Magenic's IT group got it fixed, restored from backup and running again yet today. Which is darn nice, given that it is a weekend, and Magenic isn't really a hosting company Smile [:)]

But if you find that recent posts are mysteriously missing, the reason is that they were posted after the latest backup and so were lost. Sorry about that, but you all know how backups work and at least we only lost a few hours of posts and a few hours of uptime.

Wal972 replied on Sunday, June 25, 2006

Great you had answered a post I had made and i had added another question could you please have a look at

and re-respond.


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