Ok, I have been battling with this for a while. I have seen how to add client-side confirmation when deleting on: http://www.asp.net/learn/data-access/tutorial-22-vb.aspx utilizing the DAL/BLL messy way of coding. Hey, after learning Rocky's CSLA, going through the DAL/BLL tutorials seem primitave, however, they are excellent for learning the nuances of ASP.NET. Anyway, has anyone done this and how did you do it?
Thank you in advance
In a datagrid you could have a column of delete buttons.
Use mark up like this:
<ASP:TEMPLATECOLUMN HeaderText="Delete">
<SPAN onclick="return confirm('Do you really want to delete this record from the system?')">
<ASP:IMAGEBUTTON id="btnDelete" runat="server" ToolTip="Delete" ImageUrl="~/img/delete.gif" CommandName="btnDelete"></ASP:IMAGEBUTTON>
On an edit form it might look like this:
<asp:button id="btnSave" runat="server" text="Save and Exit"></asp:button>
<span onclick="return confirm('Do you really want to delete this record from the system?')">
<asp:button id="btnDelete" runat="server" text="Delete"></asp:button>
<asp:button id="btnCancel" runat="server" text="Cancel"></asp:button>
Thank you Joe, that was it. I just had to change my commandfield's to templates and it worked.
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