Stepping into CSLA

Stepping into CSLA

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craig posted on Monday, June 26, 2006

I was just wondering if someone might be able to refresh my memory about how to get VS 2003 debugger to step into the CSLA framework.  I compiled CSLA in Debug mode so that the *.pdb file is present.  I then changed the reference in my solution to point to the CSLA files in the compiled CSLA folder where the *.pdb file resides.  I then opened the CSLA file from within my solution and set a breakpoint.  However, VS will not step into the CSLA file.

I know it is possible to do this, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.  Any help is appreciated!!



Q Johnson replied on Monday, June 26, 2006

Is your project running in Debug mode or Release mode?  The steps you have taken are exactly what I have always used and it works fine here... as long as I'm in Debug mode.

craig replied on Monday, June 26, 2006

Thanks for the reponse.  I compiled CSLA in debug mode so that the debugging symbols are present in the *.pdb file.  Still doesn't seem to want to work though.

Michael Hildner replied on Monday, June 26, 2006


I actually haven't done this with CSLA and VS 2003, so I may be off base here, I do know I had to do this with another framework...

IIRC, there's a bug/missing feature in 2003 so you have to do this manually every time you want to step in. Put a breakpoint in your code somewhere before CSLA stuff is called. When you hit the breakpoint, goto Debug | Windows | Modules (Ctrl-Alt-U). You'll notice that the assemblies you want to reference say "No symbols loaded". Right click on the assembly you want and choose "Reload symbols". You may need to browse to choose the assembly.

Should work from there. Kind of a pain. This actually worked properly in a pre-RTM version of 2003, but doesn't work right in the release version.



esteban404 replied on Monday, June 26, 2006

I've seen that ALL assembly references needed to point to the Debug bin or VS2003 wouldn't step in. We're still .NET 1.1 only.


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