Bit OT: Events and garbage collectionBit OT: Events and garbage collection
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ajj3085 posted on Thursday, April 17, 2008
Moving my BOs to use Linq for data access, I've found that I have to listen for property change events to update the BO's copy of the primary key after insert.
So I have something like this..
// Some other code
Data.Product product = new Data.Product();
product.PropertyChanged +=
delegate( object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e ) {
productId = product.ProductId.Value;
db.Products.InsertOnSubmit( product );
// other code
My question is this; my BO is listening for an event from the data object, which eventually (after the the DataPortal call completes) will have no references.. but will product be garbage collected properly, or do I need to somehow unhook the event handler in my BO?
I know there are issues with events that can cause objects not to be collected properly.. I just don't understand the details.
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