My application is designed on Ptracker and uses WinPart. My mainform is using the following routines to load the winpart control after the menu is item is selected:
Private Sub chosenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim currentAssembly As Assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType(MainForm))
Dim mi As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem)
Dim classToInstantiate As String = "MyAppWin." + DirectCast(mi.Tag, String)
Dim selectedForm As System.Object = currentAssembly.CreateInstance(classToInstantiate)
ShowSelectedForm(DirectCast(selectedForm, WinPart))
End Sub
Public Sub ShowSelectedForm(ByVal formToLoad As WinPart)
' see if this form is already loaded
For Each ctl As Control In MainFormPanel.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is WinPart Then
If formToLoad.GetIdValue().Equals(DirectCast(ctl, WinPart).GetIdValue()) Then
' project already loaded so just
' display the existing winpart
ShowWinPart(DirectCast(ctl, WinPart))
End If
End If
Private Sub AddWinPart(ByVal part As WinPart)
AddHandler part.CloseWinPart, AddressOf CloseWinPart
part.BackColor = ToolStrip1.BackColor
Me.DocumentsToolStripDropDownButton.Enabled = True
End Sub
In some cases I want to send a parameter to the Winpart control but am unsure of the best way to accomplish this. I realize that this is mostly a .NET question but I know other are using the winpart design and likely have a solution implemented. My first instinct is to go with an optional parameter in ShowSelectedForm but after reading about the use of optinal parameters I think this is poor design.
I have created a winpart control which contains the reportviewer control for a specific report. All works well for the single report but now I I need to make this control generic so I can use a single winpart control for all my reports. This control will accept a report name and then based on this name will aquire the correct datasoure, perform binding etc. I am unsure how to add the report name parameter in this case.
Any advice is truly appreciated.
One way is to have a Public Sub New(reportName as string) in
your winpart control that contains report viewer. You will need to store
that controls class name and report name inside the tag of a menu item, maybe
separated by a comma, such as .Tag = “rprtviewer, itemsreports”.
Then you will have
If DirectCast(mi.Tag, String).Contans(“,”)
‘split the string into class
name and parameter: clasToInstantiate and reportName
selectedForm =
currentAssembly.CreateInstance(classToInstantiate, new object() {reportName})
selectedForm =
End If
Sergey Barskiy
Senior Consultant
office: 678.405.0687 |
mobile: 404.388.1899
Microsoft Worldwide Partner of the Year | Custom
Development Solutions, Technical Innovation
From: Warren
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 3:49 PM
To: Sergey Barskiy
Subject: [CSLA .NET] Parameter for Winpart controls
My application is designed on Ptracker and uses WinPart. My mainform is
using the following routines to load the winpart control after the menu is item
is selected:
Private Sub chosenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object,
ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim currentAssembly As Assembly =
Dim mi As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(sender,
Dim classToInstantiate As String =
"MyAppWin." + DirectCast(mi.Tag, String)
Dim selectedForm As System.Object =
End Sub
Public Sub ShowSelectedForm(ByVal formToLoad As WinPart)
' see if this form is already loaded
For Each ctl As Control In
If TypeOf ctl Is WinPart Then
formToLoad.GetIdValue().Equals(DirectCast(ctl, WinPart).GetIdValue()) Then
' project already loaded so just
' display the existing winpart
ShowWinPart(DirectCast(ctl, WinPart))
End If
End If
Private Sub AddWinPart(ByVal part As WinPart)
AddHandler part.CloseWinPart, AddressOf CloseWinPart
part.BackColor = ToolStrip1.BackColor
Me.DocumentsToolStripDropDownButton.Enabled =
End Sub
In some cases I want to send a parameter to the Winpart control but am unsure
of the best way to accomplish this. I realize that this is mostly a .NET
question but I know other are using the winpart design and likely have a
solution implemented. My first instinct is to go with an optional
parameter in ShowSelectedForm but after reading about the use of optinal
parameters I think this is poor design.
I have created a winpart control which contains the reportviewer
control for a specific report. All works well for the single report but
now I I need to make this control generic so I can use a single winpart control
for all my reports. This control will accept a report name and then based on
this name will aquire the correct datasoure, perform binding etc. I am
unsure how to add the report name parameter in this case.
Any advice is truly appreciated.
Hi Sergey,
Thanks for pointing the way. I ended up going with the following which seems to work, any suggestions for improvement are welcome.
' Split the tag string into class name and parameter
If classToInstantiate.Contains(",") Then
parmString = Mid(classToInstantiate, InStr(classToInstantiate, ",") + 1)
classToInstantiate = Mid(classToInstantiate, 1, InStr(classToInstantiate, ",") - 1)
selectedForm = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(classToInstantiate), New Object() {parmString})
selectedForm = currentAssembly.CreateInstance(classToInstantiate)
End If
I read some up on best practices for .Net and removed references to Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll assembly and use native .NET types instead:
' Split the tag string into class name and parameter
If tagClassToInstantiate.Contains(",") Then
tagParm = tagClassToInstantiate.Substring(tagClassToInstantiate.IndexOf(",", 0) + 1)
tagClassToInstantiate = tagClassToInstantiate.Substring(0, tagClassToInstantiate.IndexOf(tagParm, 0) - 1)
selectedForm = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(tagClassToInstantiate), New Object() {tagParm})
selectedForm = currentAssembly.CreateInstance(tagClassToInstantiate)
End If
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