I have a winpart with an errorProvider bound to a bindingsource. When I run the application, in the winpart, the business validation rules appear like an icon next to the control. It's perfect, but I just need that this icons appear for the required validation rules when a winpart start. In this instance, I don't need that appear the regular expression validation.
The behavior that I'm looking for is like a form with an email field. I just need that an error appear when I wrote something wrong in the control bound to the email field, but if the control hasn't a value, no problem, the error doesn't appear.
Somebody knows How can I get this behavior?
If I understand you correctly, you just need to create a custom
rule for a property that understands that no value is a valid value. Is
this what you are looking for?
Sergey Barskiy
Senior Consultant
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From: juancho559
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11:59 AM
To: Sergey Barskiy
Subject: [CSLA .NET] Hide regular expression validations in a winpart
I have a winpart with an errorProvider bound to a bindingsource. When I run
the application, in the winpart, the business validation rules appear like an
icon next to the control. It's perfect, but I just need that this icons appear
for the required validation rules when a winpart start. In this instance, I
don't need that appear the regular expression validation.
The behavior that I'm looking for is like a form with an email field. I just
need that an error appear when I wrote something wrong in the control bound to
the email field, but if the control hasn't a value, no problem, the error
doesn't appear.
Somebody knows How can I get this behavior?
Hi Sergey,
Yes, it's exactly that I'm looking for!!
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