Change Password

Change Password

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Joffies posted on Monday, June 02, 2008

Need some advice.

I have an application that uses the PTracker security objects (Identity and Principal objects) as a starting block.

Where would the best place be to implement password change functionality as I would like to encapsulate all user security related functionality as far as possible?

Should I modify the Principal object and create a new business  object to implement the change password functionality or perhaps modify the Identity object?

juddaman replied on Monday, June 02, 2008

 How about a ChangePasswordCommand object. With a ChangePassword method taking the User Id, Old Password and New Password. The result of the method would indicate the commands success.

The way I see it is the Identity and Principal objects roles are to allow the user to be identified. The Use Case of 'allow user to change their password' (or whatever) is its own area or use scenario.

But I've been wrong before :-)



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