I am sure that I'm not the first individual to be in this situation. We have a single table Employees which contains the following:
Employee_Id uniqueidentifier (integer)
First_Name varchar(50)
Last_Name varchar(50)
Supervisor_Id integer
We have two criteria's we need to fulfill. The first is to produce an Org structure starting from the CEO (Supervisor_id = NULL) all the way down. The second is retrieve a particular Employee and his/her supervisor.
Is there a simple way to reduce continuous round trips to the server in order to build the object model? Originally I was contemplating utilizing CTE as:
with usertree(id, first, last, supervisor)
as (Select Employee_Id, First_Name, Last_Name, Supervisor_Id
From Employee
Where Supervisor_id is NULL
Union All
Select e.Employee_id, e.First_Name, e.Last_Name, e.Supervisor_Id
From Employee e
Inner Join usertree ut on ut.Id = e.Employee_Id)
Select id, first, last, supervisor
From usertree
Order by superviosr
this does return all the rows but doesn't exactly produce the object model I was hoping for since we are only return one dataset and not multiple which eliminates the ability to use Empl : BusinessBase<Empl> and EmplList : BusinesBaseList <EmplList>
Any ideas?
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