Question about network loading and webfarmQuestion about network loading and webfarm
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edika99 posted on Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Hi All,
I'm evaluating to adopt this framework for a new web application but I'm a little confused about the load that is generated on the network by serialized objects. From what I've understood I've realize that each transfer beetween webserver and application server is huge due to the serialized objects. I would like to have some explanation on this.
Moreover my web application will run on a webfarm, is possible to use CSLA in this context?
JonStonecash replied on Wednesday, June 04, 2008
I am not sure where you got the notion that the load is huge. The serialization that is used by CSLA imposes less of a load than moving the same data using the Dataset, which is a popular approach. Keep in mind that only the data from each business object is copied, not the entire code base.
You specifically mention that you are considering the transfer between the webserver and the application server. The only things that I would expect to make that trip would be the rendered web pages. A heavy use of view-state could dramatically increase that load but that would be largely independent of the application framework (such as CSLA). What would be of more interest would be if you had WinForm clients that moved data between the client and the application server. Even there, I think that you would find that the CSLA load would be less than most other approaches. What I would suggest is that you run an experiment to see what the actual load is for the various ways that you might want to communicate data. It is possible that you have some special circumstances, but I would be surprised if CSLA was a negative factor.
Jon Stonecash
edika99 replied on Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Thanks Jon,
mine was only a question, and the huge network load is what i've supposed when I've read the serialized object are moving on the network.
Anyway I'll make some test with a sample project.
I see the community is big and alive so this is good start for adopt a new technology.
JoeFallon1 replied on Thursday, June 05, 2008
Keep in mind that for a web application the most common scenario is for the web server to *be* the application server. So that *no* serialization occurs at all.
The one scenario that we would expect to use remoting is for a web server in the DMZ of a company that faces the Internet. This web server should use remoting to contact an app server inside the fireall to keep security as tight as possible.
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