I haven't coded with CSLA.NET or nHibernate but the features of both seem ideal for our new dev project. I have been searching the forums/codeplex and I'm unable to find a fully working example that utilses both of these in tandem. I would greatly appreciate a working sample if anyone has one or knows of one.
Many Thanks
David Dilworth posted a sample solution of Project Tracker using NHibernate last year. You can find it here:
Go to page 2 and you can read his comments when he added it to the source.
Thanks for the response.
I had downloaded that project previously, but it doesn't have a UI and I have tried to create one without success. I tried adding the PTWin UI project (from the csla download sample) and hooking it up to access the database(s) directly. This didn't work and I received a Data Portal Fetch failed exception.
DataPortal.Fetch failed (Could not compile the mapping document: (unknown)).
Now I'm pretty much stuck so any help/sample would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
Another thing about the codeplex nhibernate sample, I get the same error when i run all the tests on the Test project. Has anyone got this to work?
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