I recently upgraded from 2.1 to 3.0.4 version of the framework.
I ran into a lot of issues with databinding.
a simple CancelEdit on the main form(menu item button) for the root object with child collection no longer working.
It only undo the changes for the root level object but not the deleted child collection bound to datagridview.
What is the appropriate way to set up databinding for 3.0.4 ver?
Any suggestion?
As I recall there were many bug fixes for databinding after that. You may want to jump to 3.5.1 to get those issues resolved. It looks like the "simple" process of databinding has been the single biggest problem for Rocky to work through. There are just too many nuances involved.
I am in .net 2.0 environment and not ready to move on 3.5 yet.
I do know Rocky has some code to work around the problem which can
be found in this post http://forums.lhotka.net/forums/post/14779.aspx
It's a lot of code just to make n-level undo work with bindingsource.
Even that does not solve my problem.
In 2.1 I simple invoke CancelEdit and everything roles back as expected.
The reason for the upgrade was to get the latest databinding fixed.
Don't know what the changes are, but it caused a lot of nasty bugs.
(i.e datagridview not refresh, databinding member null exception, etc....)
For now, I just simple go back to 2.1 :(
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