Isn't this the same behavior as you'd get without using a managed field?
UndoableBase has never stored a child object reference as part of the parent's stacked state, because that would cause serialization of the child.
I won't necessarily say this isn't a bug of sorts - but I think this is the behavior that has existed since CSLA .NET 1.0 (more or less).
The problem is, it is a bug that isn't easy to solve. The parent can not store a reference to the child as part of its state, because then the child would be serialized - and that would have a whole host of undesirable side-effects.
It might be possible to address the issue now that child objects are managed fields. Not something I've thought through, but it seems like it should be possible for a FieldData object to do some clever stacking of child object references or something...
I don’t know of a great answer right now, no.
The framework supports the concept of the value being null, then
being an object, and an undo reverting back to null. That is required for lazy
loading, which is why that concept was added.
I agree that this is a limitation of the framework, but fwiw you
are the first person to bring up the issue in 6 years, so I don’t know
how serious it is overall.
I’ll add this to the wish list as something to look into
at some point.
Looking briefly at the IUndoableObject implementation in
FieldDataManager, I think it can be done. It will require changes there, and
also in FieldData (or creation of a new ChildData perhaps – yeah, that
might be more elegant).
Having both FieldData and ChildData classes, and making
PropertyInfo<T> detect whether a type is a child or not so it can return
the right container as needed is half the answer. The goal would be for
ChildData to directly implement IUndoableObject.
Then changing FieldDataManager’s CopyState() and
UndoChanges() methods to see if item is IUndoableObject rather than item.Value
would be the next step. That way the undo call would cascade into ChildData,
rather than directly into the child.
This would allow ChildData to maintain its own (nonserialized)
stack of child references AND to cascade the undo calls to the real child
object as necessary.
I’m sure there are complexities and quirks to be found
here – but at a high level I suspect this is the solution.
From: jureleskovec
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CSLA .NET] Bug in Csla 3.5.1?
I dug into csla a bit and I can see now what you mean. But
this in short means the csla can only cope with fixed businnes object trees.
I think this is a very serious limitation of the framework. Do you see any
workaround in a scenario with 'dynamic' BO trees?
If this is the case only with the undo capabilities I will give up my fancy
undo button. And I wonder if there are any other issues regarding dynamic BO
trees using csla.
-- Jure
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