I have been able to find 'problems' on the internet using Crystal Reports and Report Viewer for remoting reports within the CSLA framework, but I didn't find a clear success story on either. I would really like to read a discussion between experienced programmers on this issue, before I spend hundreds of hours going in the wrong direction.
PLEASE tell me which, if any, writer to use if I intend to take advantage of the CSLA frameworks remote reporting features. I think this thread could be helpfull to a lot of people, as Google couldn't even provide samples after hours of searching.
Thanks for replying to my inquery Robert. I looked up XtraReports and an really disappointed the only person that replyed to my request so far doesn't even use Crystal reports or Report Viewer for CSLA reporting and had to purchase a completely different report writer then whats available in Visual Studio. I purchase Rockfords book, and didn't really find a report remoting solution either.
Did you try to remote with Crystal reports or Report Viewer, and find neither could work with remoting in the CSLA framework, or was XtraReports just a writer you used prior to adopting the CSLA framework and simply wanted to stick to it?
thanks again
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