fetching with linq

fetching with linq

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/5100.aspx

dmeadowcroft posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I have a few months of working with .net, csla and c# but making great progress. looking for anyone to address some new code an tell me if there is any possible negatives to this approach.. thanks in advance..

I replace the following code in my userlist class (businesslistbase)

IQueryable<TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User> data = from d in ctx.DataContext.Users

select d;

foreach (TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User d in data)





IQueryable<TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User> data = from d in ctx.DataContext.Users

select d;

foreach (TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User d in data)


this.Add(new User(d.ID, d.UserPassword, d.UserName, d.FirstName, d.LastName, d.Email, d.IsLocked, d.ModTS, d.ModUserID));


I added a new constructor to the User class (businessbase)  to return a user object where I pass in all properties.

compiles and fills the list... eliminates multiple fetches to the database..





sergeyb replied on Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Would it be better to simply have this.Add(User.GetUser(d)); ?



Sergey Barskiy

Senior Consultant

office: 678.405.0687 | mobile: 404.388.1899

Magenic ®

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From: dmeadowcroft [mailto:cslanet@lhotka.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 4:56 PM
To: Sergey Barskiy
Subject: [CSLA .NET] fetching with linq


I have a few months of working with .net, csla and c# but making great progress. looking for anyone to address some new code an tell me if there is any possible negatives to this approach.. thanks in advance..

I replace the following code in my userlist class (businesslistbase)

IQueryable<TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User> data = from d in ctx.DataContext.Users

select d;

foreach (TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User d in data)





IQueryable<TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User> data = from d in ctx.DataContext.Users

select d;

foreach (TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User d in data)


this.Add(new User(d.ID, d.UserPassword, d.UserName, d.FirstName, d.LastName, d.Email, d.IsLocked, d.ModTS, d.ModUserID));


I added a new constructor to the User class (businessbase)  to return a user object where I pass in all properties.

compiles and fills the list... eliminates multiple fetches to the database..





dmeadowcroft replied on Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I rewrote my constructor as this. eliminates need to setup paramaters

internal User(.DalLinq.User d)


LoadProperty<Guid>(IDProperty, d.ID);

LoadProperty<string>(UserNameProperty, d.UserName);

LoadProperty<string>(UserPasswordProperty, d.UserPassword);

LoadProperty<string>(FirstNameProperty, d.FirstName);

LoadProperty<string>(LastNameProperty, d.LastName);

LoadProperty<string>(EmailProperty, d.Email);

LoadProperty<bool>(IsLockedProperty, d.IsLocked);

LoadProperty<Guid>(ModUserIDProperty, d.ModUserID);

LoadProperty<SmartDate>(ModTSProperty, d.ModTS);


then  I can call it as

new user(d);

this seems to work fine.

doing a User.GetUser(d) as suggested above give compiler errors.

public static User GetUser(TimeAndIssues.DalLinq.User d)


User u = new User();

u.ID = d.ID;

u.UserName = d.UserName;

u.UserPassword = d.UserPassword;

u.FirstName = d.FirstName;

u.LastName = d.LastName;

u.Email = d.Email;

u.IsLocked = d.IsLocked;

u.ModUserID = d.ModUserID;

u.ModTS = d.ModTS;

return u;


gives compiler errors in windows forms whre I am calling User.getUser(ID);


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