Valication Rules on ReadOnly Object

Valication Rules on ReadOnly Object

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akhirudin posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Hallo all

I just notice that we can't have validation rules on a ReadOnly Object (Hoped I'm not missing anything)

in my scenario I'm using Warning & Info severity a lot and sometimes I need have to add a new error validation where we've actually have it's broken in our database.

and the problem is I need to implment those rules on my readonly object so users can see the informations and for the error rules they will do some fixes.

currently I forced to use editable object event though I'm not using them for editing.

FYI, I usually using ReadOnlyCollection for may data broser and then use EditableRoot for the Insert/Edit




ajj3085 replied on Wednesday, August 06, 2008

You should probably be using BusinessBase for your objects; read-only objects are just that, and since they can't change they don't support rule checking.

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