Evaluating various distributed architecture frameworks and CLSA is up for consideration. However, I'm very much concerned about the bandwidth and other resource requirements that a mobile object architecture such as CSLA will impose, particulary how its client <--> server message format is serialized objects which winds up adding an enormous amount of extra data on the wire compared to actual data and instructions being transmitted.
So, and I offer this as an example to ensure that I've got this straight, let's say the client process requires a result set for whatever reason, and let's further assume the result set consists of 100 rows of data. Nothing too unusual there. In CSLA, is it true that after the application server (object server, middle tier, data portal, whatever) retrieves the actual data, it then creates an object, presumably some type of collection, and returns that serialized object back to the requesting process to be deserialized back to an exact copy of the original object?
If that is case, why endure the extra steps and network overhead of object creation, serialization, encoding, etc. by creating the object on the server if it provides the server no value, and is only being created for use by the client? Why not instead use a might lighter response that contains the data in some lightweight format (even CSV) and leave it up to the client to create a collection? Is that possible in CSLA?
Your assumption here is that nothing but rudimentary fetch,
insert, update and delete are done on the server side when it comes to the Csla,
right? And then why not have just a DTO that is sent to the server, and
essentially only DAL layer resides there. And then all of the business
logic runs on the client and that is it.
But what if you wanted an ability to decide on the server side
when you are fetching a record (lets say bank account) whether user is
authorized to access an account (this is prior to account being loaded on the
client, lets say object Banker is requesting an account). If you can perform
this authorization on the server to check whether Banker is in role that has
access to viewing such an account, you are actually saving a network roundtrip.
In another type of architecture you would have to make 2 network calls, first
that checks whether Banker can access the account and second one where banker
requests an Account object. Since the Validation and Authorization rules are
available on both sides, scenarios like this one are made much simpler.
In addition if you take a look at how Csla objects preserve
their state, for example BusinesListBase, you can actually perform a number of
different tasks on a client (delete few records, add few others, modify few
more) without actually incurring any network traffic – no individual
round-trips. Then when Save is requested the whole set is sent in one
chunk and server determines based on internal state of the list of what DAL
operations to perform. In other frameworks each individual operation on
the client could require a network roundtrip. I would think that is much
worse impact than Csla.
From: gjbdebug
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 10:19 AM
To: Nermin Dibek
Subject: [CSLA .NET] "Mobile objects" - so let me get this
Evaluating various distributed architecture frameworks and CLSA is up for
consideration. However, I'm very much concerned about the bandwidth and other
resource requirements that a mobile object architecture such as CSLA will
impose, particulary how its client <--> server message format is
serialized objects which winds up adding an enormous amount of extra data on
the wire compared to actual data and instructions being transmitted.
So, and I offer this as an example to ensure that I've got this straight,
let's say the client process requires a result set for whatever reason, and
let's further assume the result set consists of 100 rows of data. Nothing
too unusual there. In CSLA, is it true that after the application server
(object server, middle tier, data portal, whatever) retrieves the actual
data, it then creates an object, presumably some type of collection, and
returns that serialized object back to the requesting process to be
deserialized back to an exact copy of the original object?
If that is case, why endure the extra steps and network overhead of object
creation, serialization, encoding, etc. by creating the object on the server if
it provides the server no value, and is only being created for use by the
client? Why not instead use a might lighter response that contains the data in
some lightweight format (even CSV) and leave it up to the client to create a
collection? Is that possible in CSLA?
While I completely understand the concept and benefits of server-side processing (as in nermin's example), we have been using CSLA.net under the assumption that the whole server-side/client-side decision is supposed to be fairly transparent to the developer. In other words, our developers develop and use the mobile objects without regard to WHERE the code is being executed.
So in proposing specific server-side coding as a possible solution to keep the size of the objects down, it seems that you are suggesting a practice that goes against one of the main benefits of using CSLA. That benefit, I thought, was shielding our developers from the physical layers involved at runtime.
Am I missing something? Thanks for your feedback.
Thanks for the responses and I'm looking forward to more.
Regarding whether I'm looking at rudimentary scenarios, yes, because if a simple data fetch of say 1000 bytes of raw data results in 10,000 or even more bytes of serialized/encoded object data, then that side effect is going to manifest regardless of what entities and their relationships a business object represents and what can be done with it. Stated differently, I understand what the architecture and the objects can do, but what I'm looking to answer definitively is "what does it cost to run it?", with the fuel being bandwidth.
To the comment about serialization, right, obviously serialization, especially a "true" serializer like the BinaryFormatter, transforms a complete object graph's data down to a series of bytes that can then be used to create an exact copy of the original object. The problem, however, is the added meta data incurred with such serialization, such as the extensive type information (just do a packet capture, base 64 decode it, then open the result in a hex editor). There are alternatives that I refer to as "pseudo-serializers", like the System.Xml.XmlSerializer, but that has its limitations like requiring parameterless constructors and an inability to process read-only properties.
Under a mobile object architecture such as CSLA where binary data is being trucked back and forth over the wire, I'm sure I'm not the first one to raise and eyebrow when it comes to the potential bandwidth impact. As such, and focusing mainly on the message formatting between the client and server, does anyone have any experience in implementing a lighter-weight format (while keep the 3 tier and not resorting to a 2 tier model). MTOM encoding? WCF? JSON?
Thanks again
CSLA imposes no more overhead than other methods in an n-tier scenario IMHO - as you say its just serialising the object data and sending back and forth over the wire using the various formatters and channels available in .Net. The binaryformatter is very efficient.
I believe you have a few choices now with CSLA and can configure what channel and formatter to use.
What's more likely to impact performnace is the object design - get that right and you are laughing no matter what framework you use.
Frameworks are great - people should use them more than they do.
In terms of object design and serialization, an unresolved issue is how to handle lazy-loaded child objects (e.g. objects that aren't fetched until you actually try to access the property that loads them)
If I've gone to the trouble to fetch an object from the server (e.g. database), should I continue to serialize it around or should I tag it as nonserialized? After all, if I don't serialize it, then if I need it again later it will be just be refetched.
It's not clear to me which is worse, a larger object or repeated database accesses for the same data.
It should be noted too that lazy loading isn't "repeat database accesses for the same data." Once loaded, there isn't a need to go to the database anymore..
I used this in the context of marking a lazy loaded member as [Nonserialized], with the goal of reducing object size.
A member thus tagged would be refetched if the server side processing for the object referenced it even if it had already been fetched on the client, or the client accessed the same property again after a round-trip to the server.
I just don't have enough experience yet to weigh the trade-offs. My impression thus far is that memory is so abundant these days that even SQL Express could hold several production databases entirely in memory. Maybe refetching (and keeping your objects very lean) isn't so bad, especially if you're doing a keyed or indexed read.
rsbaker0:I used this in the context of marking a lazy loaded member as [Nonserialized], with the goal of reducing object size.
rsbaker0:A member thus tagged would be refetched if the server side processing for the object referenced it even if it had already been fetched on the client, or the client accessed the same property again after a round-trip to the server.
Which is why you wouldn't mark a child field as NonSerialized. Who advocated doing that? I think that goes against standard Csla practices. At any rate, even if you DID mark the field as such (and thus lost any hope of actually committing the users changes to the child BO), the "round trip" would be the app server talking to the database server... and that hit may be minimal still if you're setup like I am, where the app server is the same server as the database server. Even if it wasn't, I'd hope you have a good pipe between app server and database server.. since normal DB communications is pretty chatty anyway.
rsbaker0:I just don't have enough experience yet to weigh the trade-offs. My impression thus far is that memory is so abundant these days that even SQL Express could hold several production databases entirely in memory. Maybe refetching (and keeping your objects very lean) isn't so bad, especially if you're doing a keyed or indexed read.
Well, like I said, I would be suprised if you lazy loaded a child BO and also marked it as non-serialized. If you did, the child BO is likely a readonly object which don't be updated anyway... and I would think it would be bad design to get the data from such a child object when you can just get it from the DB anyway.. but that's just my opinion.
You're correct in that it would generally be a read-only object. Of course you wouldn't mark something that could be updated as [Nonserialized].
I disagree on the "bad design" though. Letting the BO fetch the object, even if it's read-only, from the DB provides for encapsulation and provides for an abstraction layer. You wouldn't put unrelated data in a BO anyway, so these means you keep the knowledge of how the relationship is constructed and the data is fetched in the BO.
You can also make the choice not store a reference to such an object in the BO at all, but then again maybe it is needed later (e.g. sometimes for validation rule enforcement)
Decisions, decisions... :)
I implement caching of my readonly collections using MS Ent Lib. I can do this in my custom objects that sit between CSLA and my concrete BO classes. Works slick, and it allows me to mark the field as non-serializable in my root controller class and use lazy loading to acquire the RO object(s) if needed. If the cache contains the object then there is no round-trip overhead on the re-load. If it does not exist in the cache, then the RO object was probably due for a refresh anyway. It is always a tradeoff between memory and time. Your implementation will depend on your (or your users) tolerence for where the pivot point should lie.
gjbdebug:Under a mobile object architecture such as CSLA where binary data is being trucked back and forth over the wire, I'm sure I'm not the first one to raise and eyebrow when it comes to the potential bandwidth impact. As such, and focusing mainly on the message formatting between the client and server, does anyone have any experience in implementing a lighter-weight format (while keep the 3 tier and not resorting to a 2 tier model). MTOM encoding? WCF? JSON?
Writing a serializer that provides the equivalent functionality to BinaryFormatter or NDCS is very difficult. I wrote most of one several years ago, but was unable to finish dealing with circular references when objects implement ISerializable. I've subsequently learned (and forgotten) the name of the API Microsoft uses to create object instances without running a constructor - which is what is required in that case.
We just wrote a serializer for Silverlight (and .NET) for CSLA Light. But it doesn't provide all the functionality of BF or NDCS - that's not actually possible on SL right now (without serious hacks anyway).
When you get right down to it though, all you can affect are the meta-tags. You can't avoid sending the actual field values for the objects. And if you want the shared-context features provided by the data portal, you can't avoid passing the field data required for that to happen.
So all you can do is decide how to create the meta-tags.
Regardless, the "Fred" and "Smith" must go through.
I was just talking to a dev on the WCF serializer team. He pointed out that XML serialization is faster than JSON even though JSON seems smaller. It turns out XML has fewer special characters than JSON, so the escaping of those characters is cheaper for XML.
It is also the case that you can use compression. The BF produces data that doesn't compress well. But NDCS produces XML that compresses quite well.
It is also the case that in most scenarios the cost of serialization/deserialization of the object graph is higher than the transport of the data over the wire. Obviously this wouldn't be true over a slow network like an old-fashioned modem, but over LAN/MAN/WAN configurations you can't discount the cost of the serialization/deserialization itself.
Of course compression takes processing time as well - and so you must balance whether the compression/decompression costs more or less than the bytes on the wire. It is quite possible to enable compression and lose performance.
What I'm getting at is that it isn't all about the size of the data on the wire. It is about features, performance on the server, size of the byte stream, compressability of the byte stream, performance on the client, etc. Many factors must be considered.
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