we're currently looking at implementing some exception handling at the server-side in order to wrap or replace certain exceptions (such as SQL specific exceptions) with more user-friendly exceptions. In order to achieve this we've been looking at using the Exception Management block in the Enterprise Library which allows you to define "policies" which map exception types to handling mechanisms such as replacing the exception with a different exception, wrapping the exception in a new exception, logging the exception or even performing custom actions such as the ability to email the exception to the sys admin.
The most obvious hook point that we've found is in our base classes' DataPortal_OnDataPortalException method - we're passed the exception so we then pass it onto the Exception Management block. But, if we've defined a policy for the exception that wraps or replaces the exception, there's no way of getting this new exception type back to the DataPortal to be thrown back to the client as the return type of DataPortal_OnDataPortalException is void and the parameter to the method is not passed by ref.
At the moment we've modified the framework to pass the exception by reference but obviously we'd prefer not to have to do this. So are we doing something unique here or are others out there handling this requirement differently? Obviously it would be great if the framework could incorporate this use case but I realise that a single request for a framework enhancement does not have much weighting.
Thanks in advance,
/// <summary>
/// Translate a SqlException to the correct DALException
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ex">SqlException to be translated</param>
/// <returns>An DALException</returns>
protected Exception TranslateException(SqlException ex) {
Exception dalException = null;
// Return the first Custom exception thrown by a RAISERROR
foreach (SqlError error in ex.Errors) {
if (error.Number >= 50000) {
dalException = new DalException(error.Message, ex);
if (dalException == null) {
// uses SQLServer 2000 ErrorCodes
switch (ex.Number) {
case 17:
// SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
case 4060:
// Invalid Database
case 18456:
// Login Failed
dalException = new DalLoginException(ex.Message, ex);
case 547:
// ForeignKey Violation
dalException = new DalForeignKeyException(ex.Message, ex);
case 1205:
// DeadLock Victim
dalException = new DalDeadLockException(ex.Message, ex);
case 2627:
case 2601:
// Unique Index/Constriant Violation
dalException = new DalUniqueConstraintException(ex.Message, ex);
// throw a general DAL Exception
dalException = new DalException(ex.Message, ex);
// return the error
return dalException;
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