CodeSmith Templates for C# - 0.9.4 is availableCodeSmith Templates for C# - 0.9.4 is available
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rasupit posted on Saturday, July 01, 2006
New version is available for download.
This release contain an important fix to address breaking change in CSLA 2.0.2. Further information about this breaking change can be found
Therea are also some fixes/enchancements such as fix to partial class that would not compile because of missing delegate declaration.
Ricky Supit
mkh replied on Saturday, July 01, 2006
Grate Job.vbexpert replied on Sunday, July 02, 2006
Thanks a lot for your contribution.Steven Hawkes replied on Monday, July 03, 2006
I downloaded the templates and tried to use them with a trial version of CodeSmith and I have a few questions.
There were three manditory parementers relating to DB that one must enter. Must one enter all three.
Is it mandatory to have the DB configured before creating the templates?
Is there any documentation available on how to setup and use the Code Smith templates
Tom Cooley replied on Monday, July 03, 2006
Hi Steven,
If you are referring to the RootCommand, RootTable, & RootView, it is mandatory that you choose ONE of the three generation options. Depending on which one of these options you choose there may be other required fields. For example, if you choose RootView, you must identify at least one UniqueColumnName since CodeSmith cannot derive primary key columns from a view. Likewise, if you choos RootCommand, you must indicate a ResultSetIndex since stored procedures can return multiple resultset (you have to tell it which one to use).
There currently is not a great deal of documentation available for the templates, but the Readme.txt gives an overview of how to use them. I suggest you play around with them and try to recreate the classes from the ProjectTracker sample application to help identify which options to use when.
Otherwise, feel free to ask questions. I'm not sure where the best place currently is for you to ask your questions. There are currenlty three possible forums related to this. This one here for CSLA, the CodeSmith forums, or the gotdotnet forums where you likely downloaded the templates. I believe Rocky is looking into a solution to this (using CodePlex) so that all "third-party" contributions to CSLA can be housed under one roof so that discussions can be in a single place.
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