This is probably pretty simple but I am stuck and need some help. I have a parent child relationship and I want to lazy load the children when I select a parent record in a list. I am able to get this to work. The problem comes when I set up the aplication to use the WCF Data Portal. The application works fine when I call a ReadOnlyBase object and get data but I get errors when I run Child_Fetch in my ReadOnlyListBase object. Here is an example of the Child_Fetch code:
private void Child_Fetch(int censusID){
this.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
using (var mgr = ContextManager<CensusDataContext>.GetManager("HotelDB"))
var data = (from p in mgr.DataContext.up_Census_Destinations(censusID) select p);
IsReadOnly = false;
foreach (var item in data)
Add(new Census_DestinationInfo(item.RouteOriginCode, item.RouteTypeCode, item.Destination));
IsReadOnly = true;
this.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
It looks like it is not using the WCF data portal for the child fetch. Is that possible? Thanks.
To lazy load a child, that child needs to have a factory method like a root object, and a DataPortal_Fetch() method to go with it. You have to manually call MarkAsChild() in that DataPortal_Fetch() method.
public class MyChild
// ...
internal static MyChild GetChild(...)
return DataPortal.Fetch<MyChild>(...);
private void DataPortal_Fetch(...)
// load data here
You'll implement the insert/update/delete methods as Child_XYZ, but the fetch has to act like a root so the data portal can interact with it directly.
Do I need to call the MarkAsChild even thought I'm using version 3.5? Also, my Fetch logic is currently in a ReadOnlyList object (ChildList). Does it need to be in the ReadOnlyBase (ChildInfo)? When I tried to add the MarkAsChild to the DataPortal_Fetch in the ChildList, it could not find the method. Which namespace is the method in? Thanks.
The problem is that there are several scenarios, and you need to
understand the principles to know what to do in each scenario.
The data portal can retrieve ANY object as long as that object
has a DataPortal_Fetch() method (this even includes non-CSLA objects!).
When the data portal invokes DataPortal_Fetch() it DOES NOT
automatically call MarkAsChild(), because it assumes you are retrieving a root
If your DataPortal_Fetch() method retrieves OTHER objects by
using the FetchChild() method, THOSE objects will be loaded through
Child_Fetch(), and they will be automatically marked as child objects.
Read-only objects don’t have MarkAsChild(), because they
are never updated (so there’s no difference between a root and child).
So if you are lazy loading a read-only list, that list will have
an internal/Friend factory that calls DataPortal.Fetch(), which calls
DataPortal_Fetch(). That DataPortal_Fetch() method will typically use
DataPortal.FetchChild() to load the child objects into the list. Because these
are read-only objects, no MarkAsChild() is involved.
If you are lazy loading an editable list, you’d
follow the same procedure, but you must manually call MarkAsChild() in the
DataPortal_Fetch() of the list - but DataPortal.FetchChild() will make that
automatic for the objects inside the list.
I think we are on the same page. I added the DataPortal calls to my List object late last night and got things working but was confused when I saw mention of the MarkAsChild method. Thanks for explaining how things work in detail. I really appreciate your time. Thanks.
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