CSLA vs StockTrader

CSLA vs StockTrader

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/5278.aspx

Maqster posted on Thursday, August 21, 2008


I'm currently starting a new project that is leaning towards using the .NET StockTrader Sample Application as a reference archietecture for building the system.

I have used CSLA in a prior project with great result and a I think they are going in the wrong direction here.

They are talking about sending data to the client not objects, having validation only taking place at the server, this I consider a nightmare for the user.

And since I only get dataobject back from the server, probably I need to build an adapter on the client to represent the view in the UI.

There main issue for doing this is to apply SOA, this I also consider wrong thinking, an Application/System should in there own known boundary use businessobjects optimized for there cause and to systems/applications outside our boundary should consume services that we expose. This is SOA to me. Am I right or am I wrong?

Since this is a WPF UI at the top, this means you could/should build objects per Use Case, and say that we have an external application/system that needs to save/get data, then we will expose a service for that case.

Is there any example using CSLA and SOA?

Rocky, could you compare CSLA and StockTrader?

Best regards

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